rainy days are for snails

It was pretty simple to kill this man, I mean he hardly put up a fight all I did was smash his face into the cold wet concrete until his face was a bloody pulp and his brains through throbbing through the cracked skull, I wasn't even phased by seeing this man dead and his blood running onto the concrete mixing with the rain water I just watched him bleed out until I slipped off my gloves and threw them into the dumpster until I walked away and caught back up to Sophia… that beautiful red-headed girl…

"I suppose it was way easier to kill him than I thought.. I kinda wish he would've put up more of a fight.. What a shame.."

I would take out my phone and start to do more research on her, I mean I followed her on every social media, maybe I should put something on her phone, so I can look over what she does and her phone activity just to make sure she isn't doing anything with other people.