rainy days are for snails

It would be a while I would be going through her social media until I realized I had gotten a text from her, she was asking if I wanted to go to a bar later tonight I didn't usually like drinking since I tended to get drunk really easily though I couldn't refuse her after all I could never resist anything she asked me to do I would do anything to spend time with her.

"Oh um yea… ill be there tonight can't wait" I responded and put down my phone to go see if I had any good outfits to wear tonight good thing I found a pretty good outfit it was a red striped sweater and a tight back dress that I thought would look good together, but I'm just going to wear the same shoes I always do because it's the only pair I have.

I would check my phone to see the time, and I huffed, already exhausted about thinking in a crowded space.