trust and spare me

I put the pie in the oven and sat down with Sophia to eat dinner I was telling Sophia about our plans for this week since we had a lot we were going to do and Sophia seemed pretty excited about that which was great for me after we finished up our dinner I took a bath with Sophia and helped her wash her delicate skin while I listened to her ramble on about how excited she was for our future together while she talked I noticed how long her hair was getting I didn't mind because I thought that just made her even more beautiful.

"Are you ever planning on cutting your hair again?" I asked curiously while I scrubbed her legs with soap, "my hair? I've never really thought about it, I guess ill cut my hair again in the future when we have a kid" Sophia said and smiled happily while she watched me wash her skin eventually when we were done taking the bath I got out and dried off before joining Sophia in the bedroom where I would get in bed with her and made love to her finally after we had both been craving this feeling for so long i just really couldn't get enough of my Sophia I knew I was forever going to be bound to her.