Chapter 41

The moment Aizawa sensei said that, everyone erupted in protest.

"Who will occupy the last place will be expelled!!?

It's our first day!! And even if it wasn't ...

This is too irrational!!"

Aizawa kept a bored expression and in an indifferent voice, he told them.

"Natural disasters…

Massive accidents ...

Selfish villains ...

All kinds of disasters can happen when you least expect them, Japan is full of 'irrationality' and it is our job as heroes to reverse everything and restore rationality.

From now on, for the next 3 years, all you can expect from your life in YUUEI is one test after another, this is PLUS ULTRA, I hope you pass those tests and climb to the top" With those words everyone got motivated and mentalized to what would come.

Finally, the tests began, the first being the 50-meter race, in which they were divided into groups of two to run, Akira saw several people passing, among them the most prominent were Iida with a time of 3.04 seconds and Bakugo with 4.13 When he saw that it was his turn, Akira positioned himself at the starting line, looking to his side he found Todoroki, just as his quirk was a cold and distant person, in the same way, Akira was not going to start a conversation, since although he was interested in Todoroki's quirk, he would not actively seek it out.

* BANG *

Hearing the shot Akira mobilized a portion of his blood at his feet and performed Shunpo moving at such speed that only a black trail was seen along the track, due to the distance he had to stop once to do it again and thus arrive At the goal, looking back he could see how Todoroki came sliding on an ice road.

"Kyuketsu Akira: 2.94 seconds… Todoroki Shoto: 4.16 seconds"

While Aizawa announced his results Akira was just thinking "Damn it almost damaged the soles of the shoes, hahhh thank goodness I restrained myself and I did not use Shunpo to the maximum or else I would have to perform the rest of the tests barefoot, well at least I was in first place again'

The next thing was the grip test, in this the most outstanding was Mezo Shoji, a student who had several arms thanks to this his mark was 540 Kilos something that won the praise of several or was until Akira passed.

When Akira grabbed the meter, everyone focused their gaze on him, after all, they had already seen his incredible speed with which he even surpassed Iida who had a speed-type quirk, besides they had seen him throw the ball, so they all paid special attention to what your brand would be.

Ignoring everyone's gazes, Akira circled a portion of his blood to his arm without exceeding the capacity that his body could withstand to avoid hurting himself and applied force, immediately the number on the device began to increase, in less than a second it was at 400 and when 3 seconds passed he stopped at 680 Kilos, although Akira knew that he could increase his mark he decided not to after all the others could be discouraged if they see the great disparity they have compared to him.

The tests continued as in the manga, with the long jump, side jumps, etc. In all Akira was positioned at the top, his body already superior to him and the strengthening quirk managed to occupy the first place in all the tests except one, precisely the last test.

The throwing test, although Akira had already done it, the others have not done it yet, so he simply stood next to the sensei and watched as they passed one by one to do it and although he already knew what would happen he could not avoid surprised by the result of Uraraka, her launch was simple, there was not much force applied, but the ball flew and flew until it became a small point in the sky which then disappeared giving it the only score of infinity.

Finally, Izuku's moment came, Akira perked up a bit since although at the beginning it was fun to show his power, after seeing that he was superior in everything he got bored, so although he knew that Izuku would not overcome it, at last, he could see a Quirk who had the power to compete with him in terms of brute force, he did not know why but he was excited by the idea of ​​being able to fight him in the future, he was not afraid of losing after all although One For All was powerful he trusted that by then he would already dominate the blood control, with this he could imagine many ways to defeat him and even kill him.

In addition, he still had a long way to go to reach the limit of what his quirk was capable of, Akira knew that blood control was only the first step, he still had to discover how to activate Conde's transformation and he trusted that the transformation would not only increase a little his strength, he knew deep down that once he obtained it he would obtain the full power of a vampire, he would be the master of darkness.

The always nervous Izuku walked towards the circle with a ball in his hand, although Aizawa had been paying attention to all the students this time he focused his gaze even more as if anticipating something.

Izuku moved his arm back and with his greater force pushed the ball, his arm momentarily seemed to glow red with sparks, but when the ball left his hand it only advanced 46 meters.

"Wha… huh? I'm sure I've tried right now…" Izuku muttered in disbelief.

"I eliminated your quirk" Aizawa spoke answering Izuku's doubt.

"Did you delete it? And those glasses! ... Oh my god! The Eliminator Hero Eraserhead!"

"Eraserhead? I have not heard of him"

"Oh I know who he is, he is an underground hero, he has the ability to erase the quirk of who he sees" As the students murmured Aizawa continued talking to Izuku.

"From what I have seen you cannot retain all your power, did you think someone would come to save you once you were injured?" Aizawa spoke as the scarf around his neck began to float.

"N-no, I didn't believe it, I just-" Before he could continue speaking Izuku was tangled up by the scarf and pulled towards Aizawa.

"Whatever you are waiting for will surely end up with nurses around you and as you can see no one is specialized in first aid.

Accept it your 'power' will not help you to be a hero Midoriya Izuku" after scolding him, Aizawa released him and closed his eyes as he said.

"I gave you back your quirk ... try throwing the ball a second time, let's get this over with"

Izuku stared at the ground, but seconds later Akira with hearing him could hear his murmurs, although they were very tangled due to how fast he spoke Akira understood that he was adjusting his strategy.

After a few seconds, he finally moved, with a determined look he raised his arm taking momentum and just as the ball was going to be released Akira caught a small beam and glow on his index finger.


An explosion was instantly heard and the ball flew off at an incredible speed, Akira looked at the device in Aizawa's hand and could see how the result was 705.3 meters.

'Hmmm as expected, I hope you become strong very soon Izuku hehehe'

"Sensei! ... I... I can keep moving" with his broken finger and tears falling from his eyes, Izuku spoke.

Aizawa couldn't contain a smile at Izuku's challenge and he could only say "Oho ...!"

While Ochako was celebrating, Bakugo on the other hand, looked like he had seen a ghost, for a few seconds he was left with his mouth open in surprise and when he finally reacted he pounced on Izuku in an attempt to attack him.

Obviously, Aizawa stopped him and threatened to expel him which seemed to work to calm him down.

Aizawa gathered everyone as the tests ended "Time to see the results, if I had to tell you all the scores it would take a long time, so I will reveal them all together. Oh yes, all that about the expulsion was a lie, it was a trick to get the best out of you"

"Whattttt?" most of the students exclaimed in amazement at the news.

"Come on guys, use your head! Of course it was a trick!" Upon hearing those words Akira looked in her direction, there was a girl with black hair tied in a high ponytail, a beautiful face without spots or pimples and a curvy body, especially in the chest area, Akira couldn't help but look twice already so far she was the girl with the biggest breasts that he had ever seen, he easily recognized her as Yaoyorozu Momo, a girl with a very interesting quirk.

although she has the limitation of having to understand what she wants to create in order to do it, it is still very powerful, after all, if she manages to understand how grenades or explosives are made it would be a destructive attack power.

'Although I must say that her quirk is not very suitable for combat, her quirk is more suitable for the support sector, because she could create materials or objects to supply the heroes, well, what do I care if she wants to be a hero?' Akira stopped thinking about it and focused on the hologram of his results.

1. Kyuketsu Akira.

2. Yaoyorozu Momo.

3. Todoroki Shoto.

4. Bakugo katsuki.

5. Iida Tenya.

Seeing his position Akira was not surprised, after all, he was first in everything except ball throw, so after a look, he was going to turn around to go back to the classroom, but at that moment he felt a look in his back that made him flip.

There was Bakugo with a furious look, seeing that he caught Akira's attention and walked towards him and began to yell at him.

"You damn garbage, do not believe too much because you occupied the first place of the entrance exam, soon I will crush you heard, damn bastard"

Akira didn't have any change in his expression as if he didn't care about Bakugo's words and just replied "Eh, who are you? I know you?"

"Grrrr I'm the one who came in second place in the exams remember very well damn useless"

Upon hearing it Akira acted as if he remembered something "Ohh, if I already remembered you, your score was like 70, sorry I didn't remember because mine was more than double yours but don't worry I'm sure that if you make an effort maybe you will have the opportunity to shorten the distance a little"

"You ... you fucking bastard-"

"I'm sorry, but I don't have time to waste it talking to you, when you are something strong you can come and talk to me, until then know your trash place" leaving those words Akira walked away.

"Grahhh, you bastard son of a bitch, you're going to pay me, you'll see who is the best" Bakugo quickly left furious, after all, he could not do anything else, they had already warned him not to fight so for today he could only withdraw.

"Woahh, although if I was familiar with Akira-san's name, I did not remember where, but now everything makes sense, with that strength that he showed today it is normal that he obtained first place in the exam" Mina spoke excitedly after giving herself account of Akira's identity.

"Hmmm Ashido-san, just now Kyuketsu-san said that his score was double, what he means by it" Momo asked as she was intrigued by the previous conversation.

"Ahh, it's true that you entered by recommendation, true, what happens is that in the admission exam this year an anomaly occurred, I even thought that the score was an error, but no, this year the number 1 position was Akira -san with a score of 199 more than double that of Bakugo, which was 77" explained Mina.

"Woah I really do get so much, although I can understand it, his quirk stands out in all physical aspects" reasoned Momo.

"Wow, so manly, I will have to increase my training to reach it" Kirishima joined.

"So it seems that we will have to try a lot more from now on" encouraged Mina.


While the others talked about Akira, he finished changing into the uniform and left the school.

"First day of school over, it wasn't bad, I hope to meet Vlad King soon, let's go home for now I'm hungry, I wonder what Himiko has prepared for lunch."