Talk with Hestia

"Do you want me to tell me, something sister?" Hades' question caused Hestia to sweat.

She never thought he would have noticed, all the looks she sent his way, wherever she thought he wasn't looking. She was never experienced in the matters of passion and love. But she knew that what she felt was, her talks with her mother helped immensely on the case.

But she never expected her feelings to be noticed.

"Yes... I do" It was now or never, for some reason she felt this was her greatest chance at telling her brother, how she truly felt about him, "Please walk with me"

They headed towards her home on Olympus, a marble palace on the inner parts of Olympus, it was not as opulent and grand as her siblings' were or rather the majority of her siblings anyway, only Zeus, Hera, and Demeter had ordered for their homes to be built on Olympus, both Hades and Poseidon has settled on their particular realms.

They both sat on her red Diphros, sitting this close to her brother Hestia didn't know what to say, should she confess? This was probably her best chance, but the fear of rejection kept her mouth shut.

"Hestia" Hades' tone of voice brought her mind to ease "I am not forcing you to do anything, but if there is something that you wish to tell me, then can you tell me?"

"I... I can" Hestia wasn't sure she was feeling so scared anyways, her brother knew how she felt about him, or at least suspected, and given how he had been the one who was giving her a chance to confess, he was willing to accept her feelings.

"Well then, then I am removing this" Hades took off his helm, revealing his face and flowing black hair, that Hestia could confirm was unbelievably soft "It would be bad if you couldn't look at my eyes when you said what you want to say"

Hestia wanted to say, oh how she wanted to say, she doesn't know when she exactly, truly, fell for him, but she remembers the panic when he disappeared after his fight with Atlas, the heartache at the mere thought that he was gone, but she feared rejection, she feared a broken heart.

But looking at his eyes, listening to his words, brought her strength, strength to overcome her fear to say what her heart wanted her to say.

"I... I love you" Hestia said, her cheeks glowing pink "I loved you for so long, to me you are more than just a friend or a sibling, the mere thought of you leaving me forever makes me feel despair, and-" She would continue if Hades had not put a finger on her lips, causing her to feel very hot for some reason.

"I think I can understand where you are going, my dear Hestia"

'He called me his!' The childish part of Hestia's mind squealed, truly.

"And I will say this to you: I accept your feelings and reciprocate them"

"You do?" Hestia didn't know if her heart could take this.

"Of course," Hades said like it was the most natural thing in the world "You are beautiful, kind, and with an inner strength I don't see very often, any man would be happy to have you at their side, which means that I am very lucky"

"I am also lucky" Hestia a genuine smile as she listened to his inner thoughts on her character, "I... don't know what to do know, mother never said anything after this part"

"Then let me teach you" Hades slowly put his face in front of hers, before putting his lips on her own.

It was a sensation that she never felt before, and she felt his tongue on her lips asking for entrance, she gladly gave him entrance. The kiss was sloppy, but it was everything she wanted. She felt his hands moving up her tight, lifting her Toga as they moved towards her inner center.

Her mother had told about this part, and she wouldn't deny that she was feeling excited about that particular part, even if she didn't think they would do it on her Diphros, but as she tied her hands behind his head, she found that she didn't care.


The two gods broke their kiss and looked at the annoyance at the one who interrupted their passion, the one that interrupted them being their younger sister, Hera who didn't even look ashamed.

"Before you two ask, you left the door unlocked"

"What do you want sister, we were kinda busy," Hades said with a bit of annoyance in his voice, Hestia felt the same, truly even if she never disliked her sister, she and her beloved were just about to enter the next phase.

"Well I just came to summon you both, something happened with Prometheus little pets"

Hades frowned at that, seemingly not liking the particular news, Hestia didn't know why her beloved had never met a human or the "pets" as some of the minor gods called them, though she remembered that as the ruler of the underworld he overseers the souls of the departed, he must be worried about these problems affecting his duty.

She couldn't wait to see how the Underworld looked, knowing her brother he made it grandiose, why shouldn't he? Even her own home on Olympus was more opulent than those of the minor gods. She will need to pack her things after this.

"Do you know what happened?"

"No, but Prometheus is making a big deal out of it"

"Well, we can see what he considers to be the problem" He looked at her and showed a tiny smile while extending his hand to her "Will you accompany me?" She smiled at his question, was it really in doubt what she would say?



'Everything has gone wrong' Prometheus thought as he emotionless reported the after-effects of humanity being freed from the stasis that he had put them into to the gathered gods and Titans.

When he had freed them in the world again, he had noticed that something wasn't quite right, he noticed that humanity overall intellect and knowledge had regressed, they had seemingly lost all the knowledge they gathered, having reverted to the time where they were simple hunter-gatherers no longer would they build monuments and cities, they were now nomads moving from one place to the other in search of food not knowing that they could plant it instead.

He knew that the stasis had minor flaws in them, but he was so desperate to safeguard humanity from the apocalyptic war that he didn't correct them, so this was his mistake. He knew that the gods and the Titans did not care, the first would only see humanity as pets at best, and the latter had decided to not get involved with them.

They simply did not understand the sheer potential that was hidden within humanity, one day they can even rise to stand shoulder to shoulder with them. Prometheus sighed as he retreated from the throne room of the Olympians, even if he wanted to interfere he knew that it could have disastrous consequences, he never would want humanity to rely on him for survival like a horde of sheep.

For now, he would wait, maybe help here and there in the shadows, humanity would eventually regain their knowledge after a few thousand years, or at least he hoped they did.

Besides tensions were rising between the minor gods and titans, well the majority of the latter anyway, and sometimes he could feel the gazes of the gods of the other regions of the planet. He only hoped that a war wouldn't happen, because if he put humanity in stasis again, he feared that they would regress even more.