Laszlo Dimitri

Entering Laszlo's office, Tyler took a quick look around. There were various things, old toys, old posters, etc. Picking up a Hulk action figure upon Laszlo's desk, Tyler gave a small smile. His nana had gotten him this, his mother had tried to throw it out, looked like Laszlo had saved it. He could tell it was the same one due to the eyes being the incorrect colour, they were red rather than green. Everyone knew that the Hulk's eyes were green, why would they be anything else?

"Nice to see you remember that." Commented Laszlo, taking his seat behind the desk.

"I'd have this with me when I watched reruns of that Hulk cartoon." Said Tyler, as he took a seat. "That show with Bixby and that other guy who played the Hulk was awful."

"That's the truth!" chuckled Laszlo. "Paul Soles and Max Ferguson, they are the superior actors! Any talentless idiot can act before a camera, but it takes real talent to voice act!"

Putting the action figure back down on the desk, Tyler looked at the middle-aged man and said: "Look, Laszlo, I kind of have my sights set on a job at the Northview Library back in Oshawa."

Laszlo's expression did not change. Still friendly, he commented: "Had a feeling you weren't actually looking for a job in my company, but I went along with what your dad said over the phone." Looking over to a different toy, he said: "Take a look at this, Tyler!" Pulling it over gently, he continued: "Gift from my son! It's 'Clash of the Cosmic Robots!'"

Tyler stared at the toy that Laszlo was showing off. It consisted of two plastic Space Age robots in a boxing ring, one an orange robot with a head reminiscent of RoboCop and the other a white robot with a long, protruding mouth, but no eyes. It was just an updated version of "Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots" that had been made when "Star Wars" had proved popular. Tyler had the original version as kid, still did and he had never known anyone interested in this science fiction themed variant. Knowing better than to say that to a collector, Tyler said: "Quite the find."

Laszlo put the toy aside and sat back in his chair, resting his hands behind his head. "I can understand your dad trying to get you a job with my company. You don't know if you are going to get the job at the library and the company archives always needs a new archivist. People move on to other jobs, Tyler, you will too one day, but we don't have to talk about that. Look, you know my wife is dead and my children have moved out and really, I could use some company. How about instead of going back to Union Station to take the train back to Oshawa, you just stay the night, I'll get the guestroom ready and everything… I'll introduce you to some other young people in my employ, recently hired a lawyer, a young lady your age, Rosie Dorrington, you might like her."

"Good lord, Laszlo, I'm not even your employee and already you are trying to arrange a marriage for me?" Tyler had heard of one case of such a thing happening, but not with Laszlo. He had read such a thing happening to that Herge guy who created some Belgian comic, he couldn't remember which. Changing the subject, he asked: "So, who was that old man who was in your office before me?"

"Some old crackpot." Laszlo replied. "He was warning me about some magician who is a criminal mastermind who might target me. Radio death ways, television burglary devices, such nonsense is for fantasy films from the thirties!"

"Why would this fellow target you?"

"Oh, who knows?" asked Laszlo in annoyance. "Just the ramblings of an old mad man, there is no reason for anybody to target me. I'm the owner of a shoe company for Heaven's sake! What does this made-up fellow want? The first pair of our new line of winter boots?" Looking at his watch, he said: "Oh, a friend of mine I think you should meet is arriving soon, seen much of world, he's called Cagliostro."