
Looking though the glass case, Tyler saw a young woman the same age as him and an inch taller just two aisles away. Had she been farther away, he would not have been so easily able to guess her height. She was slender and light-skinned with large, reddish-brown eyes and red hair that was long and straight. She was fairly attractive with an honest face, a cute mouth and, evident from the slit in her azure dress, a good pair of legs. She had her hair down, with her beautiful red locks going down to her waist and there was wearing a pair of gold earrings and a garter upon her right leg.

Laszlo has said that Rosie Dorrington was the same age as him, could this be she? Was this the face to a name?

Approaching her, Tyler asked: "Excuse me, would you happen to be Rosie Dorrington?"

Taking a moment to look him over, the woman replied: "I am. Would you be Tyler O'Donnell?"

So, Laszlo had told her about him. That was good.

"I am." He answered, wondering what she must have thought of him.

Smiling, Rosie commented: "I am pleased to meet you, Tyler."

"A-And I you, Rosie." What was he to say after that? What could he say? Well, he had an idea. Why not start with: "Are you enjoying the museum, this evening?"

"I am." Rosie quickly glanced around before once more looking Tyler in the eye. "It is so different with it just being a few people at the museum, the galleries are so empty!"

"So close to having the museum just to ourselves." Commented Tyler, taking a glance around as well. "Would you like to accompany me to the other galleries? Work our way up?"

Clapping her hands together once, Rosie cried: "Oh, yes! Let's!"

Together, the two redheads proceeded to make their way to the neighbouring gallery: the Matthews Family Court of Chinese Sculpture. Gazing upon the green glazed ceramic Yizhou Luohan statue and a three-metre-tall marble statue of the Buddha, Tyler and Rosie both marvelled at these works of arts from a land which had had enough dynasties to rival Egypt, or close to.

Moving on to the Gallery of Korea, Tyler and Rosie marvelled at the only permanent gallery of Korean art in Canada. Stoneware, porcelain, printing, calligraphy, painting, these were the great treasures of the that now divided peninsula.

When they reached the Bishop White Gallery of Chinese Temple Art, Rosie gasped in awe at the sight of "The Paradise of Maitreya", the thirty-foot-wide and fifteen-foot-high Yuan dynasty mural that dominated the gallery.

"Is this your first time seeing this mural, Rosie?" Tyler inquired. "Or is this one of your 'takes my breath away every time' moments I hear people talk about?"

"Oh, very much the latter, Tyler." Rosie replied, clasping her hands together. "I wonder what it must have been like for Marco Polo to have seen this for the first time."

"This and the other pieces of Yuan Dynasty art." Commented Tyler as he gazed at the magnum opus before them. "He was among the first to see things undreamt of in the West… Things of untold comeliness… I can't help but wonder how many patrons just look at these magnificent things and take them for granted."

"A sad thought, but I imagine there must be such people." Rosie said, glancing at Tyler. Tyler returned her glance, wondering what could have been going through her mind. Taking a seat on a nearby bench, she inquired: "What has your life been like, Tyler?"