Dad am not going to that meeting, am not following you and that's finale, and young man what is that suppose to mean, you know it because of this your attitude that makes me send you to that small branch and now am giving you a chance to come back to the main branch and you want to flop it up, why?

Dad how many times do you want me to tell you that I want to practice and be a doctor by my profession, oh Eric so this is what all this is about you wanting to ba a doctor, how many times do you want to disappoint me answer me Erickson Daniels do not turn your back on me when am talking to you. Oh well well I guess I manage to piss the old man off calling me my full name, he does that when he's at his limit, this old man is always doing this to me because he knows I love him so much and I will do anything for him but why can't he agree with me for once.

Dad listen to me, you sending me to that small branch, I have fufill my end of the bargain, old man we have a deal remember?, Eric it because you fufill the end of the bargain that your dad Insist on you coming back to the main branch, my Mother said coming in to the study, I know she's at the door listening to us, she always does that each time dad and I are having a heated conversation.

I don't know why the two men the I love the most are always on each other's neck, for once can you both agree, look Erickson your dad loves you as much as you love him, he forgave you for keeping the fact that you study medicine and surgery while in the university when you are suppose to study business management, he agree with you and you practice for some time before he send you to that small branch, he just didn't do it is because he needs you Eric and you are talented even though you didn't study business management you manage to open three more branches from that small one in just one year, that why he wants you at the main branch.

But mom Dad told me I can practice if I should turn that small branch into an headquarter with two branches and I did, I even open three branches instead of two why can't he fufill his own end of the deal and allow me to practice.

Erickson your mother is right I need you at the main branch at least till your brother graduated and be ready to take over, God dad and that will take how many years for goodness sake he just got into the university this year and he has like what four more years raising four of my fingers. I know Eric I know okay why don't we reach a compromise, a compromise my mom and I repeat the words looking at the old guy.

Okay what do you have in mind, I ask him looking more serious and hopeful at the same time careful cause the old man can be cunning he could be cooking up another thing in that old head of his the same way he trick me to go to that branch for a year.

Okay so am thinking how about you come to the main branch and practice as a doctor at the same time, what do you mean I ask and how do you plan to make that happen my mom chip in. This is it Eric how about working during the week at the company and weekend at the hospital he said hoping that I would agree.

I must say your offer is tempting old guy but that's not fair enough, I will work five days at the company and two days at the hospital no not fair, hmmmm I think further about it rubbing my fore head, let do it this way I work three days at the company, three days at the hospital and the last day of the week I rest, but... no buts dad we do it my way or no deal. Okay am fine with that thanks son he said giving me a hug, wait.... did he just agree to that I know it he's trick me again this old guy, I hug him back, I love you dad, I love you too son.

So shall we go for the meeting now, that's not a problem but how about we reschedule it so I have time to go through the proposal details. Ok son I will inform them and Williams will notify you of the new time and date, ok dad. Now am happy mom said hugging dad tight, wait what about me are you not giving me a hug I said with my puppy face, ok son come here my mom said opening her arms wide, no no no, how about you get yourself a woman my dad reply dragging my mom out of the study with a mischievous smile on his face and be like son I won again.

Author's note:

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Muahh 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋