Playgrounds are where the Kids play. There are in total 11 Playgrounds. There are 150 people in each Playground. The last 2 people remaining will go to the last Playground where the light red Supervisors work. In the last Playground the will play random games until there's only one Kid left. In the other Playgrounds they play predetermined games until there's only 2 Kids left. The Playgrounds usually have big rooms that holds the games while also having a few other facilities inside.
The Cafeteria is where Kids get to take a break from the games and get things that might help them during a game. The Cafeteria is in most Playgrounds but, in the last Playground the only time the Kids get a break is when it's time to eat or to sleep. It's also the only place where Adults can gift lunchboxes. In order for a Kid to get what they need, they need to use points. Points are given depending on how well they did during a game and the difficulty of the game. The difficulty of the game is measured by how many stars there are. For example, hop scotch: 2 stars, tag: 4 stars, tug of war: 5 stars, and four squares: 3 stars.
The Bedtime is the place where Kid get to sleep and rest. If a Kid(s) isn't sleeping by 9 they get killed. If a Kid(s) are fighting whether it be it verbal or physical they get killed.
White Place:
White Place is where the Supervisors get to sleep, eat, rest, clean, and etc. They each have their own room (It's super small like only a bed and a wardrobe with a little but of space.) and there's usually 350 of them in each Playground. As the name suggest, the place is mostly white. Everything that a human needs is there.