Different POVs

The Principle's POV:

*Sigh* Triangle made a big mess today. I'll have to punish him for that. Although, he didn't technically break any rules... Oh well, I have the perfect punishment in mind. The HC seems to have found me. I need to find some good vessels for those cores... I can't kill all of those Supervisors at Playground-15 for not figuring out that there was a spy. I will lose too many people because of that. Why has there have to be soo many problems now? I'm almost at the crucial part of my plans. I need more resources and money.

Kid 607 POV:

I woke up a white room. This time there were only 4 people present. Some were still sleeping others were talking to each other. My head is hurting a lot... I can't remember what happen for some reason. All I can remember is hiding. There were bandages on my head. Why are there bandages on my head? Why can't I remember? Something is missing... But, I don't know what's missing. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? Just, why? Someone tell me what's going on... I'm suppose to remember. Not to forget. I promised. Wait, what was that promise about? I can't remember... Who am I? I think my name was... Alice? Yes, my name was Alice.

"Are you okay?" A girl asked

"I can't remember anything..." I replied

"Oh... What can you remember?" She asked

"I was hiding from someone. I think. I know that my name is Alice!" I replied. I don't know why but, something is off with her. But, what off with her? She really nice.

"Well, (She explained the situation.)" She said ,"And my name is Lila. Nice to met you."

"Oi! Lila, what are you doing?" A boy asked

"Talking to Alice." She replied

"Why?" The boy said as he looked confused. Lila went up to him and whispered something into his ear. Something's off. Yes, something is very off. The boy seemed to be surprised and then happy. I wonder what they're talking about.

"Well, hello there. My name is Felix," Felix greeted me

"I'm Alice!" I greeted him back. Maybe, there isn't anything off. Right?

Teacher POV:

I hate my job. I hate my life. And most of all, I hate these fucking teenagers. This fucking asshole. I want to kill him even though it's not possible. Maybe, it was a good thing that Circle asked to go to the Elysium. Then I won't have to deal with these brats. I hope so. After all the Principle can be very unpredictable. Still, his "son" is even more unpredictable. I think that I'm going to get white hair before I'm even in my forties. I've been lecturing this imbecile for an hour. I don't think that this is enough.

(30 minutes later) Triangle POV:

Help me someone... Please. I've been here for about 2 hours. How the fuck those this Teacher talk for 2 hours straight!? I can't believe it! He hasn't even drank any water! He even order me to pay attention! If I don't do as he says then I'm fucked! Why me? Just why? I'm 1000% sure that Circle is laugh at me. I'm also 100000% sure that Circle is also angry at me... Why did I do that? That was a bit unlike "me". But, it felt... really fun. Like, really FU- No. Don't think those thoughts. They warned you not to or else you're going to lose yourself. Albeit it was fun. Really fun.

"Triangle, pay attention or else!" the Teacher ordered.

"Yes, sir," I replied uninterested as this was the umpteenth time he ordered me to do so.

"Good, now-" He spoked before there was ringing on his phone ,"Yes?" He went out of the room. My legs were aching from standing so, I decided to sit down. Unfortunately, before I could even sit down the Teacher opened the door.

"The Principle's here." He stated ,"Go and get ready."

"Cone on! I just want to sit! But, now I have to stand even more!" I yelled internally. I walked outside of the building and into the boat that was waiting for us. As I stepped into the boat I saw that Circle and Square were already here. Circle had a frightening aura around him... He was defiantly going to pick a fight with me.

"Triangle! You mother fucker! Why did you kill all of those Kids!" He yelled ,"I'm tired of your bullshit! You're always making me clean up!"

"Well, I'm just doing my job!" I argued back.



"I think that Circle is broken." Square stated.

"Well, you didn't have to use explosives!" He argued back at me ,"You know how hard it is to clean up bodies underneath ruble!"

"Never mind he isn't broken," Square said.

(Montage of Triangle and Circle arguing)

(30 minutes later) Square POV:

"Do I have to stop them? it's getting annoying already. But, it's soo difficult to separate them," I thought. But, then Triangle almost shot me in the head.

"You know what. Fuck it," I said ,"SHUT THE FUCK UP OR ELSE YOU GUY ARE GOING ON CLEANING DUTY!!!!" They both immediately shut up and went to sit. After all, cleaning duty is the worst punishment that one could give here. I mean, who wants to clean up all of the dishes, clean the floors, do the laundry, cut the grass, cleaning up the bodies and, etc. all by themselves (This is including all of the hundreds of people living in a Playground)?

It was a pretty quiet journey to where ever the Principle is. I wonder, what does he want from us? When ever one of us does something wrong to this point then he would just send us a message of our punishment. Unless, he has something very important to say. I'm sure that I'm going to be punished. I mean, I did let Triangle take over because I was lazy and I know that he doesn't like lazy people.

The Kids should be waking up around now. I'm sure that the Kids will be fine. We got a "few" Supervisors to look after them before we left. We're not going to continue playing around them today. I hope that nothing goes wrong. After all, if something does, it's going to be a big pain in the ass.