Chapter 03

Chapter 3

Sanun is quietly cleaning the kitchen. His daily routine is about to start with his favorite chosen life.

Well, this restaurant is his life, and his creation. All the menus on the list are his own. He managed to open his own restaurant since he was learning for Cookery in Paris and now the restaurant has been aged for 3 years. He can call it success for his pursued dream. And it is not very far from the house...he is sunk in thoughts with his today Menu.

The bell rings as someone enters the restaurant.

"Sorry it is not open yet". Sanun runs to the door from the kitchen as he heard the sound.

"I'm not here to eat. I'm here to talk"

Cold words just hit Sanun. Now he sees who is here.

"Phi Atid?"

As the name slightly comes out from mouth, the tall, handsome figure in dark grey long coat has IDGAF attitude wearing on his face.

The reality snaps back as he is still a guest. Sanun let him sit at nearest table.

Atid sit at the seat, giving back to the front door. And in front, Sanun takes the seat.

"Why are you here?"

Sanun asks him in blurry. He never thinks Atid would come here and knows where he works.

"I will tell you directly. Please make our marriage never happen."

Atid breaks the ice with never-expected words in cold manner. He looks like I am in the position of being threatened.


Sanun's voice is loud from unexpected statement.

"Yes. My Mom won't let me reject the marriage but if you do it. They won't deny it. So please do it for me. You don't want to get married with someone who doesn't love you right?"

He said the last sentence with the smirk. His face is telling me like I better agree with him. But, my habit is…

"No. I can't do that"

I said firmly by looking into his eyes. His face becomes full with anger and dissatisfactory.

"I will never reject our marriage since it is arranged by my parents."

I added serenely.


He said.

That's not a good sign of total agreement.

"We will go to hell together then, huh?"

He stands up after saying.

I feel like I want to win over conversation so I shouted before he reaches the door.

"I won't reject you because it is my family tradition to do. Don't think like I want to accept you very much."

He stands still and listens to my words without looking back at me then he bang the door with all his might and went out.

I feel anxious and I don't know why. I have no other reason to accept or reject's strange in my heart. I just want to go till the end and see how it works with him.


I have to cancel this marriage for sure. Mom and Dad will never accept my words so I have to use my last weapon. It's Sanun.

He looks polite and tender since the first I saw him. That tiny little human looks like he can easily understand the situation and easily manipulated.

So, I have to meet him.

I went to the restaurant I heard from Mom. He is a well-known chef in his area. Not bad, well suited with his face I guess.

I entered the restaurant knowing the close sign hanging at the door. It is a perfect chance to talk to him.

"Sorry it is not open yet."

I heard the sound along with the boy running out from kitchen.

He looks stunningly cute in his chef uniform. It reminds me of my certain someone who is a cute being too.

"I'm not here to eat. I'm here to talk"

I said to cut off my thoughts and now the boy sees me well.

"Phi Atid"

He uttered. He looks so surprised indeed. But he acts like a host at once and offer me to sit.

"Why are you here?"

Sanun asks confused not knowing why I am here.

Yeah... we talked but it didn't happen like I thought so I want to set back for now. I feel angry and in loss of ways to reject.

I heard his words surprisingly before I open the door.

"I won't reject you because it is my family tradition to do. Don't think like I want to accept you very much."

Wow. I though he is poison-less but his words make me amazed. I wonder how we will become but for now my rage just goes thorough as I open it.

The first rain drops on my face as soon as I am outside of the restaurant.

I wonder...if he is here with me I do need to go through these things?

"Where are you now?"

Atid says by nostalgically longing for someone.

