Chapter 11

Mirror Boy

Chapter 11

Children are running to and fro and mothers are yelling everywhere. It is semester break for children so even the weekday is packed with visitors.

I sigh at the scene and I think I made a mistake taking Sanun here. But when I look at Sanun, all the doubts disappear as Sanun looks so happy and excited. I smile again.

“Wait here. I will buy entrance tickets.”

Sanun just nod to answer because he is so occupied with the scene of Dream World and visitors.

Atid ran back showing two tickets in hand,

“Here're tickets. Let's go.”

I lead the way and Sanun follows like a child looking around everywhere.

Sanun even bought lion headband and bought Bear headband for Atid. Atid is not satisfied with this but Sanun said it matches him and told him "Cute" so he stays silent.

Atid glance at happy kid and ask,

“Have you never been here?”

Sanun replied,

“I have once after my high school exam but never had a chance after that. It has changed a lot and fascinating.”

Atid smiled,

“Are you a child? Feeling happy seeing these?”

Sanun nod without looking back at him,

“Yes. I love to visit place like this. How about you Phi? Have you ever been here? Don't you like it?”

Sanun excitedly questions Atid and eyes sparkling. Atid smile seeing this tiny human almost jumpy.

“I have been here only in my school days. But I am not up for places like this. I am not childish you know.”

Atid leans closer his face to Sanun and smirks and speak words by words. Sanun pushes him back.

“Yep yep. Sorry for bringing super adult here. Now I want to ride merry go round. So come with me.”

Sanun just grab Atid's hand and heads toward merry go round.

Atid narrow his eyebrows,

“You sure you want to ride this.”

Atid is so surprised that Sanun is excited for horses in the merry go round and even asks him to take video of him.

Sanun childishly remind him,

“I am going. Don't you miss to take video. OK?”

Sanun is so happy riding horse in the merry go round. All around him are kids but he doesn't look caring. Atid is shy at first but seeing Sanun makes him smile too and he start taking photos and videos where Sanun is looking at him and posing in different styles.

Atid him for next steps,

“OK. What is next ride?”

Sanun shout and march forward,

“Roller coaster!”

They go for the rides, 3D shows, maze, and other small rides. Atid bought ice cream for Sanun when they take a rest for a while.

Sanun looks at visitors and enjoy both the scenery and his ice cream.

“It is so great to be here. The ice cream is also tasty.”

Sanun is licking ice cream and happily watching the passerby.

Atid also looks at direction where Sanun’s eyes land,

“I don't like Parks. But I love eating ice cream here.”

Sanun turn to look at the man beside him,

“Do you like ice cream?”

Atid replied,

“Yes. It is my favorite. All my worries go away with ice cream. I never get mad treating me ice cream.”

Sanun smirks,

“You're telling me childish but you are nothing less.”


Sanun stick out his tongue and continue eating but Atid rolls his eyes.

“See how clumsy you are.”

Sanun lips are stained with ice cream whip and Atid just wipe out without conscious. Sanun blushes by sudden movement.

Atid does realize the atmosphere and change the topic.

“Let's go for water rides.”

“Phi! I cannot ride those. I hate spinning water rides and I do not have extra clothes.”

Atid smiles to reassure him,

“I am here with you. Don't worry.”

Sanun is afraid to reject so he follows Atid's lead.


I am really scared to ride the spinning water ride. But Phi Atid looks so excited for this so I don't want to make him sad.

Atid hand out his hand,

“Come. Grab my hand.”

I take his hand and jump on the ride. The ride is about to start and I feel nauseous.

I close all my eyes and got almost in his arms during the ride and I can feel he is hugging me so tight.

After the ride,

Atid worriedly inquire,

“Are you ok?”

Atid is so worried about trembling Sanun in front of him.

Sanun nodded,

“I am going to fine.”

“Here, sit and wait for me. I am buying clothes and drinks for you.”

Atid ran to buy some things needed for him; I sit on the bench and wait him. I feel dizzy and cold from the ride.

Atid comes back with big bag and he first fed me medicine.

Atid hand out a new pair of clean clothes,

“You will feel better. Now change your clothes.”

I enter the changing room and change clothes. May be he does so. I feel like the shirt is weird. Why it is in strips of green and blue. I am not feeling well so I stop thinking about it and changed. When I come out,

Sanun shout in surprise,

“Ah... Why are our shirts the same?”

Atid looks like he got caught from something. He just rub his nape and looking for suitable words to answer.

“I search for design and this contains our favorite colors so I take both for us.”

Sanun’s eyes go wider by his reply,


Atid change the subject,

“Aren't you hungry? Let's go for dinner. So we can catch Fountain show before get back home.”

Atid head to restaurant and Sanun follows. All the people around them look at them strangely. Atid's height is so significant and our couple shirts make us more noticeable.

After all the activities we can enjoy at park, we get back home.

Sanun sees something in front of their house,

“Oh look! There is a car in the garden.”

Atid also saw that,

“Yes, who is it at this hour.”

When they got off from car,


Mom Chompoo run and hug Atid. She is crying.

Chompoo mumble words during her cry,

“I had arguments with your dad. Let me stay for a while.”

Atid and Sanun look at each other while Chompoo is crying in the arms of Atid.

