Chapter 7

After our morning class, I immediately went out to our class room and called the number that messaged me so that I may know where my dad is.

"Hello?" said the little girl on the other line. If I'm not mistaken, this child that I'm talking to is dad's daughter from his mistress.

"Yes hello? This is Bethany Grant, I wanna know if where's the exact address where I can visit my dad, please I need it right away because I still have aftrnoon class later, I only have 1 hour and 30 minutes break.' I answered to the little girl who I was talking to.

"Mommy told me taht she's gonna text you the address," she replied.

I ended the call, I didn't wait longer because dad's mistress texted me the address that's why I quickly booked a taxi to the address that they sent to me.

I didn't even bother to ask permission to my sister because I know that her schedule is full because her fans will snatch her time. And besides I'm in a rush so I decided that I'll explain to her later when I got back.

Lucky me, there's no heavy traffic that's why it doesn't take long to arrive at St. Lukes Hospital. I called dad's daughter to ask her the room number of dad because they didn't include it when they texted me the address. I took out my phone because I was about to call that number when someone talked behind me.

"If I'm not mistaken, you must be Bethany?" Said the girl at the age of 40's, I guess.

'Yes I am, and who are you?" I also asked even if I have a hunch if who's the girl that I'm talking to right now in front of me.

"Silvia," she answered.

She offered her hands to me 'cause she wants shake hands but I ignore it and I refuse to accept her hand. I don't know if how would I feel right now or how will I treat the girl who ruined our family , that's now right here in front of me.

"Just please bring me immediately to where my dad is, I can't stay longer becase I still have afternoon class," I told her and then looked away.

I feel mad but I can't disrespect someone because she's still a huma, a human with an animal attitude. I'm afraid that animals have humanity more than her.

She walked first and I'm right behind her, silently following her. I don't even know if I can talk to her that long with respect because she already disrespect our family specially my mom. Within seconds ago we were in front of a room which is I'm sure that dad's inside, I haven't seen him since he left us.

When we enter the room I saw daddy peacefully sleeping, I saw a child too sitting sitting beside his bed and if I'm not mistaken, it's Hope, his daughter.

I gently approached him, I was a little confused because of how he looks right now, there's a big change in his appearance compar when he's still with us. He looks like a beggar, I don't want to judge the life that he'd chosen because he's in a right age to make decision on his own, sadly he made a selfish decision without considering our feelings.

He gently opened his eyes, I really think that he feels that there's someone in his room except for his daughter Hope, and it's mom who's his second wife.

"Bethany, is that you?" Dad asked me.

I drew closer to him and I gave him a hug.

"What happened dad?" I asked him after he let me go with the hug that we shared together.

"His blood pressure got high that's why he lost conscious," Dad's mistress answered to me.

"Dad, what do you think your doing to your life? You should be relaxing and let your personnels do their job," I muttered while facing to dad.

"It's not what it looks like honey, I'm a construction worker and I need to work for my new family."

"What?" My mouth was open wide when I heared what he said. "So this is the kind of life that you've chosen?" I asked dad and then I looked at his new family.

How can they let daddy do hat kind of job? Are they not aware that dad's body and health condition is not suitable for that kind of job, that's why when we're together mommy don't let dad to stress out about our company because she didn't want dad to end up like this. How ironic that trade his life with us with this kind of life he's been going through right now.

"Your aunt Silvia has a work too, I just needed to help her earn money because your little sister Hope is studying," he answered.

"Nevermind, I hope you get better soon and I also hope that you survive the life that you've chosen."

"I'll take care of him, don't worry because I'll do anything to make sure he's always safe because your dad's in good hand," said dad's second wife.

"Yeah right! It's totally obvious that all the words you've said was true because dad wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't true," I sarcastically answered my dad's mistress.

"Bethany, don't disrespect my wife," Dad try to stop me.

"My mom is still your wife, excuse me I have to goo because I still have afternoon class and I'm afraid that if my older sister finds out that I leave the school without asking her permission, I'd be in big trouble."

"Sister, are you really in a rush? Can't you stay a little longer even if it's just a couple of minutes?" Hope asked me.

"I'm sorry I can't, like what I've already said I have afternoon class and I don't want to skip classes, get well dad and I hope you'll have a better life ahead," I answered.

When I'm about to turn my back from them, I heared dad talked.

"When will I able to see you again my daughter?" Dad asked me that's why I stop for a while.

I looked at him and then I told him. "I don't know dad, maybe this is the last and I don't wanna make promises because I don't want mom and sister Faith to gett mad at me, bye!" I said and then I finally leave that room.

I immediately booked a ride go back to school, I was just wishing that my older sister won't notice that I leave just to visit our dad, if she finds out that I go out, I can tell her a reason that I went outside for lunch.

While I'm in the taxi, I can stop thinking about what happened to the hospital. I feel pity for daddy, I have so many why's like why did he choose to live in dispair? Why did he let his life scattered when there's so many good choices left, yet he choose to live with his mistress and make his life messy than to live with his own and legal family.

I can see through his eyes that he's really dedicated to a family that he had right now, and if that'll make him happy, I guess that I can't do anything to stop him.

I regret that I didn't talked formally to dad's new wife, what if I try to beg her to give daddy back to us, and what if she agree? But I'm now stuck btween thinking their daughtr Hope, I don't want that child to suffer the same pain we've suffere when dad choose them over us. And besides, the fault of the father cannot be inherit by the child.

I may be too thinking that deeply that's why I didn't even notice that I'm now in front of tthe school, after I pay the taxi driver I immediately go down and enter the campus.

"Bethany, right?" A student asked me and I was wondering why.

"Yes, why?"

"Have you heard about what happened to your sister?" she asked me again.

"Nope, why? What happened to her?" I asked the girl when Lea immediately appeared.

"You silly kid! Where have you been? We were actually looking for you, your mom's in the clinic right now so let's go!" Lea grabbed me, she looks so bothered.

I just go outside for how many minuttes, what just totally happened and they keep on telling me that my sister's in the clinic right now.