Good girl

Gym. Now.

I grabbed my books and stuffed them into my backpack. I pulled my hair up into a bun and headed for the gym. Breathing deeply, I tried to calm myself. The gym wasn’t connected to the school so I had to leave the building and walk under the walkway until I got to the big blue doors.

I wished to be able to hear my wolf. I’m sure she’d know what to say or do. I pulled open the door and stepped into the gymnasium. It was empty and it felt eery without kids to fill the space. It was too late to turn back.

“Adea Danielle Biscoff.” Shane said my full name, a sly smile pulling up at the corners of his lips.

My heart hammered in my chest, the hair on my arms standing up on end. I turned around and saw his eyes begin to wander. I could feel the heat from his gaze as they ran down the length of my face, traveling my neck, and down my body.