

The air in my lungs feels like ice as I struggle to keep running. “Run, Adea,” my wolf encourages weakly. I get to the end of the hall when I swerve down the stairs scraping my shoulder against the stone wall.

I wince in pain but all I can do is propel my feet forward. The sound of growls and meat ripping can be heard from outside. I reach the bottom of the step and I can feel my wolf’s urgency.

Feeling the wolfsbane still in my system, draining my wolf’s strength, I push my feet to move faster fight the vomit from coming up.

Bracing myself for the locked door I crouch down and notice the white of my dress getting dirty on the floor. I charge for the door and smack into the tall wooden door pain erupting through my shoulder.

“Please, please, please,” my wolf and I say at the same time. I turn around and walk back to the stairs. Stealing my resolve, I inhale deeply as I face the door, gathering what little strength I have left. I charge for the door.