Bitches love me

I feel a tingle of excitement as I look out the window. The small city is full of werewolves walking around. I can taste the excitement in the air.

As we drive through the city, I see large brick buildings, one after the other blend with the city lights. “You’ve got some drool, right there,” Gabe says pointing at my mouth. “Shut up,” I laugh and wipe my face just in case.

We make a right and drive up and down a few treeless hills until it brings us to a driveway. The driveway looks like it goes on forever. The sun is still blazing mercilessly in the sky as we drive up the driveway.

At the end of the driveway, there’s a massive house. I don’t mean mansion big, I mean 10 mansions big. The concrete driveway turns into a red-tiled driveway and we’re surrounded by tall stone buildings.

“We’ve made it,” Gabe whispers. “And holy shit it’s nice.” His black Audi pulls to a stop and someone appears from the door under the stone archway.