Sleep little one

Someone steps in front of me, blocking my view, his eyes are filled with concern. A warm jacket drops around my shoulders and a shiver runs down my back when he embraces me but I don’t feel scared.

I jump when a low growl snaps me out of it. Thoughts of what almost happened to me keep replaying in my head cause my throat to constrict. I’m gasping for breath when a soothing voice tells me I’m okay.

His hand slowly pats my back and his other hand holds my hair until my breathing slows. He pulls down my dress and dabs at my tears. I can hear a loud thud followed by another. Soon the thud makes a crunching noise.

“Give me my mate,” my savior says in a low voice. “With all due respect, Alpha, I think my friend needs tending to. Her girlfriends and I will take her to her room, while you clean yourself up.”

The voice belongs to Gabe and I lean into his embrace. “She’s like my little sister and I think your appearance right now would scare her,” he says protectively.