The Sweet Note


His hand is on my waist as we walk down the hall. Little tingles shooting up my side where his hand rests.

Gabe’s door opens before we get to the elevator. When he steps out, I notice he looks tired, like he hasn’t slept all night.

He walks over to me and gives me one of his big bear hugs. “You okay?”

“Y-” I’m cut off by a low menacing growl. Gabe and I both look behind me to see Ethan glaring at Gabe’s arms around me.

Gabe’s eyes widen in understanding and he lifts his hands in the air. Inhaling, Ethan cracks his neck, before closing his eyes.

“I’ve just found my mate and we have little restraint when it comes to … unmated males touching what is ours.”

Opening his eyes, Ethan presses the button on the elevator. “I understand, Alpha,” Gabe says with a bow.

Ethan gets into the elevator and pulls me in against him. “We’re headed to breakfast, we can catch up later. Okay, Gabe?”