The Attack

I was sitting up in bed the next morning, thinking of my day with Ethan yesterday. The bed dipped, “I could get used to this,” Ethan said before he kissed my shoulder.

Off in the distance screams filled the air. Every single one of my hairs stood on end, and my eyes shot to Ethan. His eyes glazed as his mind linked someone. When the link was cut, he jumped from the bed and hurried to get dressed.

“What’s happening?” I asked him, hurrying to his side.

He shook his head, as he threw a shirt one and hurried to put on some shorts. The screaming only grew louder.

“I need to know what’s going on Ethan!”

“Stay here!” He told me, looking into my eyes before he ran out the door.

“Ady!” I could hear Gabe’s voice yelling my name.

“Adea, I think we should go see Ethan,” Kor sounded as frantic as I felt.

“He told us to stay here.” I snapped at her.

“Do you know what’s going on Gabe?” I asked him as we hugged.