What do you want?

I wake up feeling like I’m being doused in ice-cold water. I inhale a deep breath that my throat restricts against. I can’t believe it. I don’t know what’s going on with my dreams but I’ve never seen anyone I know in them before.

I was crystal clear on what I saw, or who I saw. What does this mean? Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe with everything that’s going on I’m starting to see people I actually know in my dreams… but it wasn’t just seeing people. His face was finally clear when I would have the dreams before I couldn’t see the person’s face clearly.

I’d see his hair, his jaw, his lips but never really saw him. Last night… last night I watched Ethan as his heart was ripped out of his chest.

I bit the inside of my cheek hard enough to draw blood. What would Alpha Ethan think if I told him about my dreams? What would he think if I told him about what’s been happening to him in my dreams?