Your people

When we get to the bottom we’re met with another door. The wall is made out of white stones and thrones hang down from the ceiling and curve around the door. It’s made of heavy wood and is locked with a long black bar.

I wet my lips as Ethan unlocked the door and pulled on the deadbolt before pushing it open. I don’t know if I could say I’ve ever been intimidated by a room before but this one gave off a strong presence.

Leaving the door open Ethan guided me to one of two tables in the room. My eyes strayed only for a moment on the case in the corner before sitting down. Ethan stood beside me and not even ten minutes had passed when footsteps were heard from the hallway.

We both turned and watched the door until an anxious-looking Olivia walked through.

My hands were bunched into fists in my lap, sweaty and cold. Gabe walked in after Olivia, who was then followed by Odis and two Deltas.