

I wake up alone in an empty bed. I get up from bed, shower, and dress.

“We need to talk to him about the dreams,” Korra reminds me.

“I know. I’m guessing he’s in the office,” I tell her.

And so I go to see my mate at his office.

It’s not the first time I go to see him in his office but today feels different. He looks up from his work as I walk in.

“Adea,” he says huskily, his eyes following the lines of my sundress as it hugs my chest and waist. Beta Odis bows before making a discreet exit closing the door behind him, and we’re alone. My mate leans back in his chair and pats his thigh.

I’m here for a reason but when he uses that tone with me, I find it hard to focus.

“Come here,” he murmurs.

I glance at the large window behind him and am comforted when I see it’s pouring outside.

As if knowing what I’m thinking, a slow smile pulls at the corners of Ethan’s lips.