

I struggled to pull myself together as I tried to hear Adea on the other end. It was only after I ordered the Deltas to rush to Olivia’s, that I wondered why I hadn’t asked about Alpha Ethan.

I shook the thought from my mind as I took off in the direction I knew she’d go. It was the only answer I could think of. I ran towards the forest where she went missing, it was the only place that she could make it off the territory without being noticed.

As I turned the corner, I spotted her and panic kicked it as she took a step towards the spot we hadn’t known was a way out. I wouldn’t let her go this time.

My chest rose and fall as I struggled to catch my breath. I should have shifted but I hadn’t been thinking straight. As if sensing my presence, Olivia turned back to face me.

Her eyes stared at me and this time they finally held more emotion than I’d seen since she’d come home. Pain. A sea of unspoken words hung between us as we stared across the field of green.