Oh, Gabe


Turning around, my eyes wander the room until they land on Gabe sitting on the lounge chair for guests. My chest deflates as I exhale letting out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. I run to him.

“Oh Gabe,” I cry.

My eyes filled with tears and my best friend opened his arms. Lurching forward, I crushed my face to his and squeezed him hard. It’s so good to see him out of his room. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had the chance to check in on him. I bite my lip as guilt slithers its way up my chest.

“How-“, I start before he shakes his head.

“Not today, Ady. Today is all about you and you look beautiful,” he murmurs. He makes an attempt at a crooked smile and my heart sinks when it doesn’t reach his eyes. His shoulders weren’t tense and strong, they were slumped and haggard. He’s lost weight, his hair is clean-shaven, and the bags under his eyes tell me he hasn’t been sleeping.