Aren't you?


“Who do you belong to?” Shane asked. I know what answer he wanted but I wasn’t going to give it to him that easily. I stared up at him defiantly. I needed to keep this up. When I didn’t answer, he reached out, knocking my hand away from his wrist, and pulled the cups of my shirt down.

I gasped as my breasts fell free. I watched as his eyes dropped my gaze and ranked over them. His fingers reached out and pinched the right one. I cried out as he yanked down hard on it.

“You’re mine, aren’t you?” He asked. The anger was evident in his voice, and in his glare. If I wasn’t careful, Shane could lose it. I haven’t been back that long. Despite the heart-to-heart we’ve had today, I still can’t trust that he won’t lose it over something.

I don’t know what will push him over the edge. The last thing I wanted to do was lose to Shane, the last thing I wanted was to lose his favor.