Don't look

My throat is dry and I lick my lips. I need water. I don’t know where to start. Getting up, and standing to my feet would be the first thing I should do. That would be the best thing to do first. My chest hurts at that idea. He’s gone.

There’s no point in wondering about what I would have done, or what I should have done last night. I had made my decision and … as much as I was confused… I couldn’t do anything about it now. I couldn’t let it stop me from doing what I needed to do now. I had succeeded. I’d made my bed and now I needed to lay in it. I needed to go back home. I needed to get Ethan.

I hadn’t realized how foolish my plan had been. How crazy it was for me to leave Desert Moon pack and come here to Half Moon. I didn’t realize how stupid it sounded until now. The fact that I thought it was a good idea, I scoffed. I was on to something though because it had worked, hadn’t it? I grabbed Shane’s hand and squeezed it one more time. It had worked.