For us

“I’m sorry I hurt you,” I mumbled. “I wasn’t trying to. I was trying to do what was best for us, for our pack, for our family.” I cried.

“For us?” Ethan asked. His tone was low and deadly.

“For our future,” I choked.

“Our future? You were doing all of this for us? Did you leave me for Shane for us? Did you hurt me for us? Did you walk into the arms of our enemy for us? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Do you think that I’d… You… What else did you do for us, Adea? Can you look me in the eye and tell me in detail all of the things you’ve done ‘for us’?”

I moved before I meant to. My palm smacked against his cheek, the sound resounded around us even above all of the noise. My jaw dropped. Why had I done that? Why did I do that? Was it anger? I was angry at him for calling me out. I was angry about his suggestive tone. I was angry at what his words were suggesting and he wasn’t wrong.