Never say Never.


—What are you doing here? —I say when I open the front door.

Zac walks in with a completely disappointed face taking a dash to push himself up onto the couch.

—I need a girl's afternoon! —He exclaims— What do we see? The Walking Dead? The 100? O I know, I know! Let's watch romantic movies ?!

—Come on, tell me —I say, lying down next to him.

—I came to bask in my shit.

—Well then...

—But do you know what makes me angry the most? —He asks me. I'm going to answer but he tells me to shut up— I feel violated, no! Cheated.

I roll my eyes.

—Impossible for them to rape you, if that were the case, you would leave yourself speechless.

He wrinkles his eyebrows.

—Shut up damn it. He has taken me by the Lollipop eggs, what's more, I think I lost them inside his vagina ...

I gave a tremendous laugh.

I'm home alone, Liam went to see Noah, and Mom and Dad work so today is the day to bask in shit.