Falling Into You

As they hurried through the ghost town across the hills, they saw patches of ugly blight. They were nearly passing out with exhaustion when they left the road behind. Sweat prickled down her skin and Evangeline could feel the throbbing pain on her ankle was getting worse. Her feet slipped and Luan caught her, yanking her back with a gentle force. She bumped her head against his chest.

When did he come from behind her?

"Are you okay?" His tone almost suffocated her, leaving every ounce of oxygen left her lungs. Luan had his arms around her and for the briefest moments, she lost in his blue eyes. "Hey?"

"I'm fine." She pulled away from him. "Thank you."

"No, you aren't." Luan hissed. "Let's rest here." He said, pointing to a rise of ground opposite. It was hidden by the stone cairns. "This could give us enough cover and shelter. After all you sprai-"

Evangeline put her hand over his mouth. She shot him a pleading look as if to say do not spill the tea. Luan's icy eyes grazing Evangeline with a look of satisfied amusement. His hand moved to grab Evangeline's. Luan's palm was warm against hers and she jolted at it. "Mr. Winterlight, what are-?"

Her face flushed in crimson upon seeing Luan's smooth gesture, as if there were only the two of them there completely forgot about Melian's existence with them. Luan's lips brushed against her hand and Evangeline could feel the world spinning around her.

"-you doing?" Evangeline finally able to let out the two remaining words out of her mouth. Luan at last let her hand go and he looked completely lost.


"Lady Evangeline." Evangeline whirled to face Melian. She has cleaned the dried leaves sprawling on the grass and she beckoned her towards her. "You should lie down here."

Evangeline could feel all of the tightness inside her heart flushed, relieving that Melian had not witness the fatal dose of Luan's small gesture but enough to kill her in the inside. With an enormous effort, Evangeline forced herself to smile at Melian. "I'm fine. You should have your rest." Said Evangeline.

All of her efforts of hiding her injury would go in vain if she take a few steps ahead towards Melian. Evangeline could not hide her enormous pain anymore but not in front of Melian.

"But-" The dark spots under Melian's eyes were visible to Evangeline.

"Just rest, Mel." Melian seemed too tired to argue and instead she nodded politely. A yawn escaped from Melian's lips and she laid down cautiously, resting her head over her arm.

Evangeline found a place for herself under the oak tree. She was having a hard time to sit down because of the swelling on her ankle.

"Hey." It was Luan, walking towards her with his arms crossed over his chest. "You need help?"

"I will be thankful enough if you lent me your hands." Said Evangeline and she could see Luan's lips curved into a soft smile.

Luan’s hands grabbed her by her arms gently, helping her to land softly on the grass. "Thanks." She whispered. The grass was dampening with dew but it was not like she care much about it.

"No big deals." He said. In the dawn light, his eyes glowed like sea glass and he sat in front of her in a kneeling position. His icy eyes wandered on the white dress hugged Evangeline's skin. "Your pretty dress has become dirty because of me." Luan rubbed his thumb over the stained dress.

"It was not your fault."

"Pardon me, my lady." Luan said and Evangeline could see his face glowed in the dimness of the dawn.

"Sorry?" Evangeline felt Luan's hand on her ankle and her body tensed.

"Your ankle," he said shortly and Evangeline realized he was talking about her sprained ankle. "let me see it."

"My ankle." Evangeline said slowly. "S-sure." She bit her lips, cursing herself for the inability to come up with a coherent word.

Luan held her ankle neither roughly nor gently but with a sort of clinical distance. "Why did you have to make it worse for yourself?" He demanded in a low tense whisper. "I told you we can rest if you won't mind."

The swelling and bruises came bold and bright in a way that hiding it would be waste less. Evangeline was panting with exertion and pain when Luan's hand pressed it lightly on her affected ankle.

"I'm sorry." He sounded apologetic. "If you don't treat this, you won't be able to walk properly."

Evangeline's eyes flickered to her ankle and back to Luan. "I know, but there is nothing we can do here."

Luan let out a hissing breath. "You knew you have a severe pain and swelling around your ankle but you kept it to yourself?"


"If the signs and symptoms were severe, you may have significant damage to your ligament but you still pretend like nothing happened." Luan's voice was mild. "You got this when I fell on top of you, right?"

Evangeline nodded reluctantly and she heard him cursed under his breath. "Mr. Winterlight." He raised his head and she forced a smile to him. The pain was doubled over now and she knew if she did not get the treatment quickly, it will get worse. Despite of her pain, Evangeline could see how apologetic Luan was towards her. Guilt was swimming inside his blue pools. "It was not your fault." Evangeline said gently but Luan seemed to not catch her words.

"You should have say this beforehand so we will know." His blue eyes raked her once and Evangeline could not help to shudder by it. There was something behind his eyes told her he was angry, but he constraint himself from blowing up.

"I don't want to become a burden to both of you." She protested.

A vein bulged at Luan's temple. He seemed pretty irritated by it. "I don't think you understand my point is."

Seeing Evangeline stiffen, Luan let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm sorry." He plonk himself down on the grass and averted his eyes from hers. "It's just that......." He trailed off. "you made me worried." Luan returned his gaze on Evangeline.

"Mr. Winterlight, stop." Evangeline whispered. "Please....." Her voice trailed off. She tried again, "stop saying you're sorry. It's not your fault."

Luan looked at Evangeline through his eyelashes. She was looking wan and started to shiver. He shrugged his grey hoodie off. "Here." He said and offered it to her.

Evangeline's eyes flickered from the grey hoodie to his charming face. "Aren't you cold?" Her voice sound weaker.

Luan shook his head. "I did before but not anymore." He draped the grey hoodie around her shoulders.

Evangeline opened her mouth, then closed it again. She was too tired to protest. A struggle was taking place behind her eyes. "Thanks." She whispered at last.

He smiled faintly. "You should sleep now."

"Louie....." Evangeline sounded weary. She wrapped her hand around his wrist, pulling him gently towards her. "Come here." She paused almost holding her breath. "Sleep here with me." Her voice was too low for him to catch.

Luan felt a momentarily jolt, no one other than Aillard has ever called him Louie. "Pardon?"

Evangeline did not say anything, only closed her eyes. She was exhausted from the pain, her tiredness seeping out of her bones into the oak tree behind her. Her aching body relaxed and she let her consciousness slip away from her. She was holding Luan's hand as she let go of her wakefulness and fell.