
Evangeline’s first impression when she was outside was astonishment. She reached a field and stopped to stare. The field was blurred with colorful movement. Music echoed all around her. Evangeline thought she wanted to stay with Luan in the tent, but she had no choice. Going against the Prince’s will could be poisonous to her.

“Will Mr. Winterlight be okay in there?’ Asked Melian. They pressed forward into the revel, through the area where many dancers had already collapsed and exhausted.

“He will be fine.” Evangeline said, sounding uncertain. Her hazel eyes would constantly glance at the Prince’s chamber, hoping Luan would come out instantly.

“Should we get him?” Melian moved towards the Prince Cassian’s chamber, but Evangeline stopped her.

“Melian, don’t.” Said Evangeline. She looked concerned.

“Prince Cassian will let him live.” Evangeline turned around and saw Prince Hayden just behind her. His pink haired flew around him like a sheet of metal hammered thin.

“Prince Hayden.” Evangeline bowed low.

“How can you be sure?” Melian asked.

“He’s The Child of The Selene. He would be in trouble with The Queen if he killed him.”

A shriek of laughter echoed in the air and dancers whirled past Evangeline in a circle. Almost bumped into her. She stumbled back and a hand snaked behind her waist. Evangeline gasped startlingly.

“Talking about me?” Luan asked. His voice was deep and low, like the ocean tide. Evangeline blinked at Luan, feeling all words disappeared from her vocabulary.

“I told you.” Prince Hayden said, with a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “He will be fine.”

Evangeline disengaged herself from Luan and cleared her throat. Another group of dancers whirled past her again, but she managed to avoid them. None of them wore expressions of enjoyment. They rather look exhausted, their faces blank, their eyes wide, and arms flailing.

She could see once in a while a drunken faerie knight would pull one of the dancers from the circle and down into the long grass. Evangeline shuddered at the sight of it. “What happened to them?”

Prince Hayden looked at the dancers. His expression was blank. “They don’t have the token to hold on to.” He said submissively. “They will dance until they die.”

Evangeline’s face blanched, but she said nothing. It was Luan who spoke instead of her. “Let’s move from here.”

“If you make your way straight to that pavilion.” Said Prince Hayden, pointing at the pavilion set up on the green field. It was a massive one, hung with vines, and bright flowers bursting with color under the moonlight. The stone roof flaked with lines of shimmering material like powdered jewels. “There is a massive dance party. You should join them.” He added.

A horn blared. The music had become more sinister and Evangeline looked again at the dancers. It was then she realized that the dancers were ensorcelled.

Prince Cassian looked grim. “I suggest you to go to the pavilion before the music jarred your ears.” He said dismissively and led them to the pavilion. They passed a pool of streaming water surrounded by mist; slippery masculine bodies were visible through gaps in the smoke. Evangeline felt her cheeks flame red.

They moved on, and the crowd closed around them like fast-growing vines. They reached the pavilions. There were beautiful young girls and boys in the circle were danced off their feet, but they were exhilarated. The music that had sounded sinister at first to Evangeline has started to flaw with sweet notes, a sort of equivalent of caramel; sticky to her ears.

Prince Hayden caught at Evangeline’s sleeve, pulling her back toward him. He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing hers slowly. His lips cold on her skin. “Would you have the honour of having a dance with me, Princess Evangeline?”

Evangeline exchanged a worried glance with Melian, whose green eyes had gotten very large. She could tell that Luan had shot her a surprised look, but he quickly schooled his features to blandness, though and glanced away.

Dazed, Evangeline simply nodded. “It’s an honour to have a dance with you, Prince Hayden.” Evangeline said and she could see Melian’s mouth slowly agape for a brief second. She gave a low and measured curtsy at Prince Hayden. Evangeline felt the urge to move her own feet in the dance, as if the music told her that if she did, she would be so light that her feet would barely touch the earth. She took a step forward, but a hand jerked her back on her arm. Luan was glaring at her, his blue eyes bright as a cat’s.

“I’m sorry, your Highness.” Luan said in a low voice. “She will dance with me.”

Evangeline blinked at him. She felt as if she had been pulled out of a dream, groggy and half-awake. Her voice slurred when she spoke. “Whaaat?” She looked startled herself at her own tone of voice.

Luan made an impatient noise. He pulled her toward him. Their bodies touched once, and lightly. Melian made an inelegant noise. “You heard me.” He said and kissed her on the cheek. It was a sweet kiss, gentle and soft, and Luan smelled like he always did; like a heady mix of male musk and something so faint and sweet, it made her want to press her face to the skin of his chest for a better smell.

When Melian cast a brief glance at Prince Hayden, he was already stood beside her with his arms crossed over his chest. He arched one of his defined eyebrows as he looked at Luan. Rather than he looked angry, he looked enliven. “It took him three minutes to take an initial move.”

“You did it on purpose?” Melian bewildered.

His steel grey eyes bored into her, frowning. “Are you against of them being together?

“No.” Melian rolled her eyes skyward. “What was that supposed to be, some kind of joke? Or a test?”

Prince Hayden shrugged. “I am used to mortals who are easily swayed by their emotions. Love and desire bestowed, like a favour to the most deserving of it and as my words hold the truth, if he doesn’t love her, jealousy won’t come between them.”

Melian looked as if she had just heard that there was an alternate sun that was nine million times hotter than Earth’s sun. “I never know a Faerie Prince could play a cupid.”

“He frustrated me,” said Prince Hayden. “It was obvious he wants her to be his, but something restrains him for doing so.”

A rustle of whispers went through the air and Melian tore her eyes away from Prince Hayden. Her green eyes followed where the murmuring voices came from. There, she could see Lady Evangeline was dancing with Luan in the middle of the pavilion.


The last time Evangeline had her alone time with Luan was when she drowned herself in another revel. But this revel was nothing like the revel Evangeline had seen the other day. That had been a joyous informal dance party. This one was like a banquet party. Faeries danced together, moving their body to the music’s rhythm.

There was an orchestra where a collection of blue-skinned ladies dressed in velvet dresses were playing a waltz. It was a surprise Faeries knew how to play a waltz. Evangeline thought. Luan was quite different tonight though Evangeline did not know why she thought of that. He smiled down at her and she felt her stomach churned with butterflies.

Luan chuckled. “What is it, Evangeline? You looked as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

Evangeline felt as if she was passing her hands through poisonous water, unable to grasp anything solid. “I- thought you would never dare to go against a Prince.”

This time his laugh was tender. “And miss a chance to have a dance with you? That will be foolish, my lady.” He glanced around, smiling, Luan held out a hand to her. “Would you do me the honour of favouring me with a dance, Evangeline?”

“Of course.” Evangeline smiled. Her heart lurched the moment their skin touched each other. Thank God. Evangeline thought. Thank God she had years of swinging around. She knew how to dance, and she thanked herself for knowing how to fit her movements to his. Evangeline spoke rapidly, feeling every movement they took, stealing away all oxygen inside her lungs. “What did Prince Cassian want from you?”

“Ah.” Luan said. “Prince Cassian told me to be wary of The King.” Luan swung her around easily, earning squealing from the Faerie girls. He offered them his sweet smile.


There was an odd looked flickered across Luan’s face. “He believes The King has plotted another scheme against me.”

“There is more to it, right?” Evangeline’s hazel eyes searched his face, slowly, as if she could find the secret masked behind his charming face. “Did he ask you to go on a suicide mission?”

For a moment he stopped and was stock-still, almost jerking her out of the dance. “Evangeline, no. What made you think of it?”

“It’s just a possibility that can possibly happen.” Evangeline breathed. “If you look on the darker side, The King and The Princes are not in good terms. Prince Cassian could ask you to go against The King.”

Luan touched her face lightly and Evangeline willed herself not to creep a blush. She felt her face warm beneath his cool fingers. “There is nothing to be worried about. Prince Cassian did not ask me to kill The King.”

“Even so, please don’t comply with his requests that can go against The King.” Said Evangeline, her voice edged.

Luan moved closer to her. “I won’t do anything that will worry you.” He whispered. Luan was closed enough that Evangeline could feel his breath brushed against her cheek and she shivered. He pulled back, looking into her eyes. His hand on her shoulders and Evangeline could see her reflection in each of his dilated pupils, a tiny image of herself inside his eyes.

“I won’t forgive you if anything happened to you.” Evangeline said, feeling her face flushed at her bold remark. She glanced away and she could hear the chuckle slip out from his mouth. “Promise me, you won’t do that.”

“I swear on the name of The Queen.” Luan raised her hand dramatically.

“You don’t even know The Queen’s name.” Evangeline pointed out and laughed. Luan looked indignant for several seconds before giving in and laughing as well.

They began to move to the music again. Luan’s arms around her. It was exactly the kind of dancing she liked, not too complicated. Mostly a matter of holding on to your partner and not doing anything to trip them down. Evangeline had her cheek against Luan’s shirtfront, the fabric rumpled and soft under her skin. It was then she realized they both wore clothes unsuitable for the dancing that they had. Luan only wore a plain white shirt, but his charming face won over his attire. Luan’s hand played idly with her hair, fingers tracing the back of her neck.

Evangeline’s hazel eyes darted around the room again. With a lurch of recognition, she saw Melian stood stiffly against the stone railing. Prince Hayden was wandering to and fro, a glass of what looked like lemonade in his hand. His steel grey eyes glowing with curiosity. Evangeline saw him walked toward Melian and began a conversation.

“Do you think it is going to work for them?” Luan asked. He spun her expertly as the dance required years of practice without falling over.

“What do you mean?” Evangeline looked at him with a puzzled surprise.

“Prince Hayden and Melian.” He said. His blue eyes flickered with amusement as he stared at the two of them. “Look, he’s going to make his first move.” Luan jerked his chin vaguely at Prince Hayden.

Evangeline turned, looking appalled. Prince Hayden held his hand out to Melian and she looked at his hand hesitantly. Her mind frantically screaming when Prince Hayden kissed Melian’s hand and they began to dance to the music.