They had found themselves in a place of trees and rolling hills. Luan led the way, checking their path based on the map. They followed him, and trudged up the hill to the flat, grassy top, which commanded a view of a clear glade.

The clearing overlooked the road below, visible as a grey ribbon through the trees. The moon overhead caught between the branches, casting enough illumination that Evangeline could see the glade clearly. It was surrounded by the Grand Fir trees.

The grass underfoot was springy, cool, and damp with dew. They unrolled the blankets they had and spread out their cloaks. Melian lay down cautiously, her body wrapped in her black cloak. Her long hair spilling over her arm on which her head rested.

Exhaustion had seeped through their bones, prickling like thousands of needles. Evangeline sat beside Melian, and her legs stretched out before her in the dew-wet grass. Luan was nearby, leaning against the trunk of a grand fir tree. The night wind blew their hair ceaselessly, and Evangeline could smell a distinct citrus aroma.

“This,” said Luan, his blue eyes fixed on the road below, “was not how I was expecting the event following our arrival in Cerro Mountain to transpire.”

“You mean the riddle?” Evangeline said.

Luan turned to press his back against the tree. In the darkness, his face was a map of black and white shadow. He had fallen into silence the moment they had reached the glade and Evangeline thought he was angry at her. “Yes.”

“It was not your fault.” Evangeline felt as if a lead of weight were pressing against her chest.

Luan’s eyes were lidded, thoughtful. “Maybe, Melian is right.” Luan said. “It will be fastest if we get rid of her and burn her whole body into ashes.”

Evangeline raked her hair out of her eyes. “And attracting people’s attention on us?” She asked. “It was bad enough that they blame you for the blight just because you’re the Child of The Selene. I don’t want you to be a fugitive on the run.”

Luan stretched his hands out in front of them. His fingers were long and Evangeline could see his veins protruded on his arms. “But still, killing her seems like the best option,” he said a little haltingly. “and there won’t be any riddles to be solved. Riddles are suck.”

“You do not sound as if you liked the idea of killing much.” Evangeline observed, but Luan only shrugged.

“I should’ve not stolen your kiss.” He said after deliberated much.

Evangeline sighed. “So, this was it.” She tucked a corner of the black cloak over Melian’s shoulder. “This was what bothering you the whole journey in here. It didn’t seem to me that either of us had a choice in that matter of time.”

“That’s what I don’t understand!” Luan burst out. He had been leaning against a trunk of the Grand Fir before, now he stood straight. “How could I have kiss you when you’re already in pain?” He paused. “I’m a jerk.”

“No.” Her hands trembled in her lap. They were cold and white. Evangeline laced her fingers together to stop them from shaking. “You’re not a jerk. You heard what Istarnie said. She thought this was a favour for me.”

“That’s not true.”

“It is true.” Her voice was bitter. “There was a cage inside my heart. The grieve of lost has become chains and it chained me from feeling love again.” Evangeline whispered. Her heart gave a great leap of fear. Every muscle in her body tightened.

“Evangeline.” Luan’s voice softened.

“I always thought love is destructive.” Evangeline said numbly.

“That’s not true.” There was desperation in his voice.

Evangeline forced her lips into a smile. “Everyone who I love always ended up dying.”

Luan waited for Evangeline to continue. He watched her through his long eyelashes. Evangeline released the hands that had been clasped together in her lap. There were red marks where her fingers had gripped each other. “She saw my cage, and she played my emotions like I am an instrument to her.”

“Evangeline, no.” Luan drew away from the tree and came toward her. He knelt down, but startled with the sudden moves. Melian started to her feet.

“I guess that’s my cue of leaving both of you alone.” Melian said, and started to move from them swiftly.

The moment Melian left them alone, Luan instantly turned to face Evangeline. “Your emotions are not an instrument.”

“Then, what it is?” Her words were almost soundless, barely a whisper.

“Your emotions are caged in the body like a rough diamond. The lustre will never appear if it does not polish.” Luan said. He reached out his hand and cover his hand with hers. He folded his fingers into her own. “That something so small and could be so beautiful is worth so much. Only strongest people can make it spectacular.”

Evangeline held Luan’s gaze for a second before she looked away. She could not meet his gaze, so instead Evangeline fixed her gaze on their joined hands. “I’m afraid.” She said, feeling her heart shattered into a thousand irretrievable pieces. “I’m afraid to polish my emotions. I don’t want the lustre to appear. Emotions that shine will not only pull it from dust, it could also be a shabby gift of disillusioned.”

Luan’s grip tightened on her. “That’s why, Evangeline. You have to break your own manacle and escape from your cage. Don’t let your emotions withered.” Luan stroked Evangeline’s hair back from her forehead. “Emotions that withered are the shabby gift of disillusioned.

“But my love is the epitome of shabby gift of disillusioned.” Evangeline heard her voice as if a stranger was speaking. It sounded remote and miserable. “People will die because of my love blooms for them.”

Almost hesitantly Luan laid his hand against her cheek, turning her to face her. “Every withered flower had bloomed at least once in it’s life just to help us understand getting up should never be replaced by giving up. So, don’t give on love.” His voice was incredibly gentle.

Evangeline had to tilt her head back to look into his eyes. Luan’s eyes glittered, blue and silver and remote as the moon. She wanted to speak, but words clamped down between her throats.

“If your love is locked in a cage long enough, you will doubt your ability to love again.” Luan said and Evangeline felt her face warm beneath his warm fingers. “If you’re afraid of escaping that cage, I will be your key and an axe to cut your manacle. Only then you will be free from it.”

“But you will die.”

“I won’t die.” He said again, more gently this time. “I promise you I will never leave you alone and let your heart withered again.” Luan could feel the cold of her beneath his hands. He could see himself reflected in her hazel eyes. There was a weariness to her face that spoke of pain, but a steadfastness too. She was more beautiful than symmetry of features. No wonder Drazhan had fallen in love with her. Who would not have?

“I’m sorry.” Evangeline said softly, looking away.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” He said. “If love can derive from a kiss, I will kiss you again.” Luan grinned. “Only if that is one of the ways to free you from your cage.” He winked.

“Oh, only if you want to die at the very young age.”

It was Melian’s voice, cutting through the air. Evangeline and Luan jerked away from each other. Melian kicked Luan on his knees, and he groaned in pain.

“I hate you, Melian.” Luan said in a furious voice. “You’ve annexed my plans.”

A small muscle jumped at the side of Melian’s mouth. “This is why I can’t trust you to be alone with Lady Evangeline.”

Said Melian. “If I didn’t annex your plan, what are you going to do?”

“Obviously kiss Lady Evangeline until she gasps for air.” Luan said. “They say a kiss from the Lord of The Selene brings good luck. Of course, getting a kiss from a stunningly attractive man like me is an additional point too.”

Melian sighed. “Haven’t you heard that modesty is one of attractive traits?” Inquired Melian. “Ah, I forgot. You don’t even have any attractive trait in you.” Melian added.

“Say that again, and I will splay mud on your face.”

“Oh, why don’t you try.” Melian’s voice was acid.

Luan seemed to have a ridiculous idea, for he to bent down. He took a handful of mud, and rub it firmly into Melian’s surprised face, leaving smears of dirt on her cheek and nose.

Melian was not pleased and Evangeline caught the deadly glare that she gave him. “You seemed like you enjoyed it.”

Luan grinned like a little boy and he tossed the remaining mud aside. Melian scrubbed at her nose, still glaring. “You enticed me.”

“Oh, stop it.” Said Evangeline. She was already on her feet. The two of them looked at her with startled expression, and Melian looked like a madness girl who had not taken a shower for days with mud smudged on her face. Evangeline looked indignant for several seconds before giving in and laughing.

Luan’s blue eyes sought Evangeline and his face broke into a soft smile. “There, you look much prettier when you laugh.”

Evangeline looked flabbergasted, but she schooled her features back. “Oh, Luan. You’re doing it wrong.” Evangeline said. With a grin, Evangeline grabbed some mud and smeared a bit on Melian’s cheek. “You’ve to get both sides.”