A speck of dust


Luan’s face went white as a chalk. In a bloodied field, under the azure blue sky stood The Erlking. It was as if the sight of him formed into a fist that punched Luan directly in the guts. Blood smudged across his face. His grizzly hair lifted and blew around him. The Erlking’s lips curved into a smile.

“You didn’t really think you could kill me, did you?” Said The Erlking in a bored tone.

“You’ll never know unless I try.” Luan took off running toward The Erlking, but a guard who had been watching the fight swung around and blocked Luan’s path. He drew his glaive and slashed a blow at him. Blood oozed out, and the guard crumpled to the ground.

With a petulant frown, The Erlking stalked forward, crossing the dead bodies on the ground between him and Luan. “I don’t think you understand the difference between our power, Lord of The Selene.” Blue-black magic unfurled from his hands, spreading into the sky.