My beloved wife Happy Birthday.
The waves of the sea are the only thing that the blonde Lucretia's ear can hear, followed by a beautiful instrumental music in the background.
-Where are we? -asks the blonde Lucretia.
Jeff slowly uncovers her eyes, removes the blindfold, a small fragment of light impregnates Lucrecia's beautiful eyes, her iris adapts to the light and when she looks, she sees her two parents, and not only that, Jeff's parents.
The smiling parents do not hesitate to congratulate the beautiful Lucretia.
-Parents, how nice to see you again! -She exclaims, smiling from ear to ear, jumping with happiness.
-Your 25 years you became the most beautiful woman on this planet, although for me you are my baby," smiles her mother saying and praising those beautiful words.
-Thank you mother," she says happily.
-You're welcome, daughter," her mother replies.