Second Pass

44 Percent.

The effects of the Second Pass were evident much sooner than those of the First. Speculation is that whatever caused the changes in gravitation and pockets of electromagnetism were cumulative, and the residuals of the First Pass had multiplied the effects of the Second.

Grandfather said he had curiosities about the Safeholds, curiosities which turned in suspicions, suspicions that were then compounded in the first few days after the Second Pass. Why did the Safeholds need such heavy doors? It wasn’t a bank. Sure, the goods were human and therefore infinitely more important than any mere monetary wealth, but the heaviest airlock ever built could never compare to the reinforced steel which made up the Safehold main openings. Later, he also learned that there was no way to open the doors from just the outside, permission was always required from within before the locks could be moved.