The best man of the sapphire gang, what has he got to do with it ?? .. Mark asked confused
Simply put, we will use him to enter their hideout .. no reaction I answered
How do we do that before ?? .. Mike asked
Simply take the important person in his life, so that we can follow him in our plan .. I still had no reaction so they nodded.
Mark and Leo, find out who is the important person in his life and take ... I command the two.
What are your plans for his family ?? .. Nathan asked
Shall we kill them ?? .. Mike asked
No, we won't do that, we'll just use them to get Zacky to follow our plan .. I answered
Ok pre, we'll go first .. goodbye to the two, and I just nodded
Be careful .. Nathan replied
Be careful guiz .. Angelica replied and they left, so I'll go out too to think.
Where are you going Jake ?? .. Angelica asked me, what about her where am I going.
It's none of your business .. I didn't react, and when I left the room, I went straight to my room and thought.