I unconsciously hummed along to the song playing on the Television screen. It wasn't until Lucy chuckled loudly that I was pulled out of my daze.

" Jerry, try singing" She teased in between her laughter. I narrowed my eyes and glared at her. Flipping her the bird, I walked, into my bedroom ignoring her annoyingly eardrum destroying laughter.

Y'all might be wondering why I'm in such a good mood. Well, I have a day off. To every other person, it's a normal day you don't get to go to work, but to me, it means a whole lot. It took months of persuading and pestering Sam before he agreed to give me a day to myself. For the past two months, we've been working on the production of a new clothing brand. I was " The face" of their brand. It hasn't been easy. Between the meetings and the shoots, I haven't had enough time to myself, sometimes I was forced to work during the weekends. But today, I was privileged to be given a day off. It would spill over to next week. Today was Friday, and I don't work on Saturdays and Sundays.

Ever since I got reunited with mum, I had visited once or twice. Driving to see her during the weekends was more convenient because of the less traffic, seeing as it wasn't a weekday. Making regular trips to see mum showed my consistency and highlighted my sincerity. Not like it was an issue with my dear mother. Sometimes I feel as though, no time has passed at all. Any tension or awkward moments easily passes away with her words. Sometimes I want to go back in time and be a good child but that was impossible so I had to make do with what I had.

There wasn't any need to pack anything. I had few clothes there from my regular visits. Enough clothes for spending the weekend. I'll only go with my laptop bag and its charger.

" Where are you going?" Lucy crossed her arms and eyed me suspiciously. What's with the defensive stance? I haven't even done anything wrong this time, geez.

" I'm going to see my mother" I responded, taking unnoticeable steps back towards the door. With Lucy, conversations like these wouldn't end quickly. It was as though I was here personal entertainer, the sooner I get going, the better for me.

Just had I had predicted, her eyes shine with excitement as she jumped clapping her hands. How old was she supposed to be again?...

" You have a mother?"

" Where did you think I came from? Do I look like I fell from the sky?" I asked in disbelief

" Maybe" She responded smugly, curving her lips into a smirk. A smirk that I have gotten accustomed to seeing regularly. Whenever Lucy smirks, it never ends well.. She's definitely scheming, something to her favor.

" Spill it, Lucy, what do you want? I know you want something, just go ahead and say it." I crossed my arms defensively, tapping my feet on the floorboard rhythmically.

" What makes you think I want something" I copied my stance and squinted her eyes, huffing.

" Because I've seen that look on your face a gazillion times. It only means you want something, something very ridiculous that I am very sure I would be saying no to." Wiggling my brows, I let my hands fall to the side.

" It isn't ridiculous I promise. I just want to go with you."

" Go with me to where?" I asked, pretending not to understand what she really meant

" To see your mum!" She stumped her feet, her face turning red with anger.

" Your mum? Oh, that wouldn't be hard. I wonder why you need to ask me. It would take less than a minute to walk into her brethren" Taunting, I matched her face with a wide grin.

" JEREMY! That's not what I mean. I want to visit your mum. YOU, YOU YOU." She poked my hand, puckering her lips. No way, puppy face doesn't work on me young girl. I would never be guilt-tripped into listening to her.

" Oh, my mum. As in, Jeremy's mum. Well, that's going to be hard. Your mum would never agree to me taking you there. I'm sorry Lucy but that's a no." I wasn't surprised that I had to turn her down. Of course, Lucy's demands were always too ridiculous for me to comply with anyways.

" How would you know if you don't ask? Please, Jeremy, I promise to be on my best behavior if, please oh please, pretty please with a cherry on top. I would do whatever it is that you want." Falling to her knees, tears rolled down her cheeks as she quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand. Urgh, this is Guilt-tripping and I know it. But I can't stand by and watch this either.

The stern look on my face faded away upon seeing her like this. Lucy can be anything, demanding, annoying, taunting but never this sad. I have been forced to watch her be a lot of things but not unhappy. Suddenly I felt like a jerk who took away her favorite stuffed animal or something.

" Fine Lucy. Even though you just placed me in a tight corner. You can go with me-" Lucy's shriek cut me short as she pumped her fist in the air.

" Whoa calm down, you can go with me if and only if your mother allows you to. If she doesn't then I have no choice but to leave you behind. The ball ain't in my court now." I explained, to stop her from getting her hopes up only for her mum to say no. Which I suspected she would.

" Yes, yes, yes. Now, let's go ask mum." She tugged on my hand and dragged me to the front of the bedroom.

" If she's sleeping we should probably not disturb her. And remember it's not my decision to make, it's Natasha's."

" Quit stalling Jeremy. Mum doesn't bite."

" You don't know that" I mumbled under my breath.