Urgh! Don't people know how to drive anymore? What's with the constant never-ending traffic?
“I'm hungry. How long have you been driving? My tummy is starting to make noises.” Stacey whined, at the back. Technically, it isn't even her lunch break.
“One would think that you haven't eaten for days.” I mused, rolling my eyes at her complaints.
“I didn't have breakfast today. There was an important meeting I had to attend. Unlike you, I couldn't risk Sam biting off my head in anger.”
Clicking my tongue, “You don't have guts, woman”
“There's a difference between having guts and being foolish. The guy can make them fire you at any time. He's your agent, after all, the middle man.”
“Thank you, Stacey. Perhaps, if Jeremy hears it from someone else he'll admit that indeed he's being foolish.” Natasha butted in, earning yet another eye roll from me. My overconfidence isn't something they'll ever understand. No, Sam can't fire me.