Chapter 71: MUSCLE MAN

Finally, after what happened to be hours Natasha descended the stairs, holding her daughter's hand in hers.

Samantha wheeled Lucy's kiddie suitcase to her car, leaving her to say a proper goodbye to her mum.

Her face didn't really give away any emotions, a sucker poker face, “Bye momma.”

“See you soon baby, don't disturb Auntie Sammie too much alright?” Natasha crouched to kiss her on the forehead. It wasn't until then, that I saw a twinkle of emotion flash across the girl's face.

“I wouldn't, I'll try.” She chuckled, smirking mischievously. I personally don't think that Samantha would ever be disturbed, too much than she deserves.

The mother wasn't finding it funny, but pointed a finger in her face, speaking sternly, “Do more than try, and remember my rules.”

“Yes mum” Puckering her mouth, “I'll call you every single day.”

Aha!!!! I knew she would insist on an everyday call.