So far so good, nothing terrible has happened since we got to Paris. Except you count yesterday's incidents in the plane, with the paparazzi, Damian's annoyance, and then Sam's call.

The only delightful thing was Samantha's late-night call. Troy showed up on the screen too, sending his regards. That doesn't change my opinion about her though, I still firmly believe that she's still annoying and invasive.

On the bright side, the sound of a woman singing opera across the street woke me up this morning. The melodious tune was enough to diffuse all my anger from yesterday. Sadly, by the time I was awake fully she was gone and the road rendered empty.

‘If only I can meet her in person, I'll tell her how good she is.’ I thought to myself.

It might be possible, if I wake up really early and race across the street.

A repeated knock on the door interrupted my train of thought. Walking to the seating area and then the door, I flung it open.