“When did they leave? I didn't hear them go, the same way I didn't hear them come.”
He glanced around his shop, also not seeing the girls. Great!!! I might just be in trouble after all.
I am a magnet for chaos without any further doubt.
“Urgh!!!” My grip on the bag tightened, with each second that passed. Heaven knows what they might decide to do with the video.
Damage control would be too much work. The internet is not a place where misunderstandings would be accepted, or even listened to.
“Is this about the video they spoke about? What's the big deal?” He shrugged like it was actually not a big deal, “You didn't say you have a daughter, I did. Plus, I was only kidding. Anybody can see that. It doesn't matter if they're gone.”
Nodding my head frantically, “You don't appear to understand. If they were being serious about the video, then everyone would be interested in knowing who the so-called daughter is. But guess what? She doesn't actually exist!!!!”