A few weeks had passed but much hadn't changed. I was still trending {as usual}, Natasha was still very pissed at me {as expected.}

The only major change had been in our residence and location. The first week, we spent in France, the next one was in Italy after that was Sydney. Now we were in Japan. Unlike in the other countries, there were no shoots scheduled this week. All we had to do was attend two fashion events and one party. A top-notch model was hosting a party, and we somehow made it to the invitation list.

I am looking forward to the next 6 days, after that we would be taking a plane to New York. Where I get my bedroom, my house, and all the comfort of life. Rather than having to take pictures and attend parties with a scowling woman by my side. All she has ever done up till now was frown at me. But then Damian gets to see her wide grin, and occasionally even the deep tomato blush. Am I jealous? Of course not. I just wished she would think more and listen to me.