Chapter 18

"A bath sounds wonderful right now.", I tell Elise while lowering my gaze?

I'm filled to the brim with conflicting emotions, frustrated, exhausted. Quite frankly, I'm also ashamed that I didn't hate the sinful rendezvous that just transpired with my lustful master as much as I know I should have. All I want to do is wash the impurity off my skin and sleep until I forget it even happened! The unnamed woman in the blue dress comes to my side and looks me in the eyes.

"Its been a long day, eh?", she says with a sympathetic smile.

I nod my head in agreement, still looking down at the floor. She lifts my chin so we are face to face. She's only an inch or two taller than I am so I feel at ease. Her face is friendly. Something tells me that she's someone I can be open with, someone I can lean on. If there's one thing I'm grateful for, it's that whatever hardships I must endure here, I feel like there are at least a few people who wish the best for me.