Beep... beep... beep... This incessant beeping will not stop! It started out as a distant ringing, like a high pitched echo from far away, barely even audible. Now, it's close enough to discern that it's a machine of some sort, driving me insane with it's obnoxious, high pitched, hullabaloo! I can't open my eyes, nor can I move to turn it off or get away from it. Have I been reborn? Slowly, I begin to hear the voices of two women chatting back and forth.
"It's been eighty six days, Akida! You need to consider letting her go. There's been no improvement in her condition, no change, no sign of any activity at all. At this point, there's practically zero chance that she'll ever come back, no matter how long you try to keep her hanging on. We're just wasting time and resources."