Chapter 35

I inhale deeply, as I stretch out my arms and legs. Is it morning already? Opening my eyes, the soft light peeps in through the windows, and I realize that the room is empty. I look around, but before any worry has a chance to set in, I hear voices coming from just outside the curtain, reassuring me that my master hasn't left me again. He seems to be having a debate with Akida about the plans for taking me home.

"Come on, Akida. I have to get back to work, but I can't just leave her here!", he pleads.

"You definitely do have to work, but that doesn't mean she's ready to go home yet, Zion.", she snaps back.

"Look, I own every single one of these machines. You have my full permission to just pack up whatever you think she might need, and let me take her home with me! You should know me well enough to believe me when I say that I'm not leaving here without her."