An Unpleasant Morning

"If luck is not in your fate, then evil would give you pleasure in pain. That means luck will become your fate"

There she was, the girl who was ill-fated by birth. First, that she didn't know that she was going to lose her parents at a very adolescent age. The life of the little not-so 10 years old lost her parents on the same day as the new year was a tragedy to her. Every year this day when every "lucky" child spent time with her parents she just spent either crying or regretting it. She walked through the empty and lonely streets to her father's and mother's grave. When others gained the warmth of staying in houses with their families she cried on the grave of their parents in the cold winter winds. She was like an evening who neither look for day nor dark was coming. Praying for death every day but still living for her brother and sister gave her pain like hell. But still, she had to hide her pain behind her smile which everyone loved.

Doing anything they wanted was their dream, everybody, fighting for their so-called 'freedom' was an ongoing trend for today's children. But what about her who didn't have any parents to even talk to. It was just her twin sis and a young brother.

Haerin was sleeping peacefully on her bed with the teddy bear and a sweet smile on her face until she heard stupid slamming on her door which made her startled and made her jump from her bed to her extra soft mattress which woke her up in an impolite manner.

After that "peaceful and extra beautiful morning" she yelled "5 more minutes" and went back to sleep on her extra soft mattress and started dreaming about her past life with her ex Won Han-gyeol neglecting the fact that he cheated on Haerin in her last school that was Edgeknowledge High school, America. After Haerin's parents died they moved from Daegu to America leaving her elder sister who was also her twin but not identical, this fact made others think that they are lying and just kidding.

They left Soo-Yeon in Daegu because she had a hostel there and also because she was the eldest she had property in South Korea worth 10,000 crores and someone had to stay there to take care of the property. She was just nine years old but she had to stay for the sake of her money and the respect her mother and father gained because of their business and their hard work. They were also getting a monthly pension of many much in order to continue their studies in America and to do anything in life...........

But the slammings on Haerin's poplar wooden door which was painted milk-white with golden letters profiling "Kim Haerin" which were sparkling so brightly that it can be seen from meters away. That milk-white door was displaying that this room belonged to Haerin. But the beautifulness of the door wasn't stopping the door to stop banging and stop to ruin Haerin's sleep continuously for half an hour.

Frustrated from the door's stupid banging she let out a loud yet frustrated groan with a bitter morning yawn. She got up from her mattress and lazily walked to her door still half sleeping and thinking about her unnie. when she opened the door and she struggled to open her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and found her glasses and saw her stupid brother with a large smile curved on his plump lips with his big doe eyes staring at her with a lovingly look and his hands spread for a good morning hug and coming forward for it.

But Haerin just pushed him with all her mighty which made her brother nosedive on the ground due to that the smile on his face faded and took place with a groan and a frown formed over his face with a confused look and said "hey!!! What was that for???" he asked rubbing his back with his both hands still giving a confused look to Haerin. But she said nothing but laughed looking at his brother's funny face.

"I am asking you something" but haerin was laughing with holding her stomach because of the amount of feeling she was getting seeing her brother's face. "I'm not gonna repeat it again!!!" Then haerin stopped laughing and looked at her brother swabbing off the tears from her face that she got from laughing like an idiot. But she still was chuckling quietly. But her brother was still frowning at her sudden weird actions as his curiosity was growing every passing second. And then Haerin smirked and said "Revenge" And let out her tongue and waved her hands. even more curious her brother asked, "why???" then on that question which was speaking loudly of curiosity was answered by a loud angry tone of Haerin "For waking me up in this beautiful morning and that also not in a peaceful manner" she yelled. Then her brother stood up from his shining cherry wood floor and struggled to be stable on his 2 legs. And a groan again came from his mouth because of the amount of pain he was getting after falling floor.

Then he got up and looked at Haerin and a smirk formed over his face and Haerin gave him a confused look. Then he said "isn't today your exam??? I was waking you up because of that" then Haerin's eyes widened thrice than her normal eye size which her high positive charge glasses were also not able to reflect that big. And she remembered that today is her science exam. Because of that, she wasn't able to sleep last night even if she wanted to. And her eyes had dark circles under her underneath lids due to that she was looking like a ghost and when her eyes widened she could probably scare a whole town as matter of fact the looks on her face said. "You are late, the exam is going to start in 2 hours and you would probably not want to be late for your scholarship tests..... Since it's your opportunity to go to the BIGGEST college in Seoul in Korea you should not be late."