Chapter 49

DAR, 1982

“Assassinating a president is an act of treason.” Rayhan said.

Latricia and Saleem slowly nodded.

“If we let him live, innocent Tanzanians will die.”

“If peace can only come through killing someone, then I don't want it.” Rayhan said.

“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.” Christos said.

Rayhan sniffed. “Why kill people who are killing people to show people that killing people is wrong?”

Christos smiled. “I know what bothers you.”

Rayhan looked at Latricia and Saleem. Their hearts wanted to address something, their mouths resisted.

Christos signaled Zander to bring something. Zander brought a file and handed it to Christos. Christos opened the file and came out with papers. He gave the papers to the three agents. “If you’re worried about your safety, I’ll take care of you.”

The three thumbed over the papers.

“It’s an agreement letter.” Christos inhaled and exhaled. “It shows that I’m the one who ordered you to kill the president. I’ll put my signature and seal on the paper and so will you. If things go wrong, I’ll take full responsibility. You will be safe.”

The three went silent. Their eyes were on the papers.

“If you’re worried about who’ll keep that file, then don’t.” Christos said, “We will lock it somewhere very safe and divide the keys into four fragments. Each one of us will keep one fragment. To open that locker, the four of us must be there. In that way, the file will be safe.”

Saleem dropped the paper on the table and signed it. “Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.”

Latricia stared at the paper for a minute and then she signed it. Christos took the paper, signed it, and stamped his seal. Christos pushed the paper to Rayhan. Rayhan’s eyes were staring at the ceiling board.

Christos held Rayhan’s shoulder. “If we don't make tough decisions today our children are going to have to make much, much tougher decisions tomorrow.”

Latricia looked at Rayhan. “Ray, sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.”

Rayhan looked at the papers. “These files must be stored securely and I must have my key fragment before going to the mission.”

Christos nodded. “Soon after you sign, we’ll go together to the secure storage location.”

Rayhan took out his ballpoint pen. He looked at the paper. He inhaled and exhaled slowly.