Chapter 93

DAR, 2020

SJ and Patrice surrendered to the police as Fabian wanted them to. With all evidence available to prove their innocence, they had no choice but to give in. It didn’t take much time and they were declared innocent and free. They were no longer birds and no net ensnared them. They were free human beings with an independent will. The general election was performed and many people were waiting for the results. Christos’s whereabouts were still unknown.

After long, exasperating efforts of proving their innocence, they were invited to Fabian’s house for dinner. Leo was invited too. He put on a slim double-breast suit. He couldn’t stop looking at himself. He had never been on a suit before. Nothing tastes as good as looking good feels. He couldn’t stop smiling.

When the sun disappeared deep into the sea allowing the full moon to take cover, Leo, Patrice, and SJ arrived at a big, beautiful and posh Bangalore. There were two swimming pools outside. They were the ones he could see, maybe there were others. There were two Toyota V8 Land cruisers in the parking lot. The house was an example of early heaven on earth. Fabian’s wife welcomed them at the gate. Her head was full of whitish hair. She’s in her seventies maybe. She was very kind and calm. She’s brave too, clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughed without fear of the future.

They were summoned to the table for dinner. Everything was new to Leo. He couldn’t avoid moving his eyes here and there.

“I know you have many questions. Let’s talk after the meal.” Fabian said. The food was so sweet that Leo didn’t want to swallow it and he didn’t want to spit it out either. Apart from the expertise used to prepare the food, Leo believed when you eat food with your family and friends, it always tastes better!

After food, they gathered into the sitting room. The table was full of drinks, both alcoholic and soft. Everyone took their favorite alcoholic drinks except him. He hated alcohol. He didn’t want to end up like his father.

“Before we proceed, I want to introduce someone.” Fabian said.

Leo’s heart started racing. He heard footsteps marching towards the sitting room. His heart raced more and the smile on his face disappeared when he saw a woman entering the sitting room. She wasn’t as old as Fabian’s wife, in her early sixties maybe.

“Nailah?” SJ said. She stood and hugged her. Patrice did the same.

“What about my father?” Leo said.

Fabian looked at Leo. Leo knew it wasn’t a good news look.

“Rayhan is dead.” Fabian said. The whole room went still.

“His grave was empty.” SJ said.

“We didn’t bury him in Mbeya. It was a distraction technique. We wanted Christos to think Rayhan is alive so that he could focus on hunting him and not think of anything else, like us being alive.” Fabian said.

“What happened that night? We had all evidence suggesting your wrongdoings. We heard three shots.” Patrice said.

“Rayhan knew the truth. He knew the evidence was manipulated.”

“How did he know?” Patrice said.

“I told him.” Nailah said.

“How did you end up with Fabian?” SJ said.

“She faked her death.” Fabian said.

“You can’t hunt dead people, can you?” Nailah said.

“Christos believed it?” Patrice said.

“Love is blind and a deaf-mute too.” Nailah said.

“Can I see my father’s grave?” Leo said.

“Yes. Your father was a good man.” Fabian said.

“A real man spends time with his family.” Leo said.

SJ said, “Leo—”

Fabian stopped SJ. “Leo, the first step to be a good man is you must deeply feel the burden of the stones someone else is carrying.”

Leo nodded. But deep inside him, there were still roots of hate against his father, who was now announced on every TV station as a hero.

“I think we should not hub on the past. Let’s try focusing on the future.” Fabian said. “Now that you are free, what would you like to do for the rest of your life?”

SJ smiled. “I want to be a good mother and a good wife. A mother who understands what a child does not say.”


“Almost forgot that name.” Patrice said.

The whole sitting room busted into a laugh.

“I want to spend the rest of my life with my kids and wife.” Patrice said, “Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food and relaxing.”

Everyone in the sitting room applauded.

Nailah poured champagne into glasses and everyone raised a glass. “Here’s to the nights we’ll never remember with the friends we’ll never forget.”

Everyone toasted and drank.

“What about you, Leo?” Fabian said.

Leo’s heart started racing. Was it because he’s the only youngest person in the room or because he didn’t know what he wanted to do, or both?

He stared at his glass.

“Don’t be afraid.” Fabian said.

“Honestly, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ll go where my feet send me.”

The whole room went silent. SJ’s phone rang.

“I’m sorry, I’ve to take this.” She said.

Fabian nodded.

“Hello, Freddie.” She said and then listened. Her hands rose swiftly covering her smiling face. When she hung up the phone she started jumping and dancing around the sitting room. Oh my God, she’s not drunk. Leo thought.

“What’s so funny?” Patrice said.

SJ hugged Patrice. Well now, maybe she’s really drunk. Leo thought.

“Hey, what?” Patrice said.

“Isla, she’s awake. My daughter is awake.”