Chapter 11

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Globe Entertainment

Nina sat lazily on the sofa and observed as he Charlie worked She never really took a look at him before.

She had to admit that Charlie was a very handsome man even though he was in his forties, he had the air of a matured man when working and his crooked tid added a bit of unruliness to his charm. He was like fine wine that had matured and gotten better with age.

"Looked enough?" Nina didn't know when finished his work but he was now watching her with an amused tinkle in his charming grey eyes.

Nina rolled her eyes at him and said mockingly,

"Are you that handsome? Why would I look at you? I was just wondering how a lazy person like you managed to look serious when working"

Charlie got up from his chair and pretentiously held his chest as he walked towards her up to her.

"Ah! You hurt my fragile heart again. Although I am not as handsome as that jerk with letter J, I still top the most eligible bachelors list every year" He said while plopping himself down beside Nina.

"Is that something to be proud of?" She rolled her eyes at him again.

"Of course it is something to be proud of. I am already in my forties but I got on to a list that mainly has men in their twenties and thirties. What do you think that means? It means am charming enough!"

Nina suppressed the urge to roll her eyes at her shameless manager and just directly went straight to the point.

"What did you call me for? Better hurry up, I don't have time to waste here with you"

Charlie sighed and looked disappointedly at her,

"Always straight to the point, aren't you?. You are seriously no fun."

Nina raised her eyebrows at him and asked indifferently,

"You gon' talk or not"

"Talk. I will talk" Charlie gave in at last lest she really leaves. "I wanted to ask you about your future plans, you have already been modeling for years already so i was wondering if you are still planning to continue modeling or switch to another career" He asked in a serious tone.

Nina looked lost in thought after his question and kept quiet.

He was also in no rush to hear her answer as he knew it was not an easy decision to give up something you have been doing for years so he went ahead to pour tea for himself and slowly sipped on it.

After a while, Nina looked up reverting back to her calm look.

"Actually, I already had plans to give up modeling. I just never had the chance to put it into action yet. You asking me kind of propelled me to make a decision"

Charlie sat up right curious to hear what she had in plan.

"I want to be a writer"

Pfft! Charlie spat out the tea in his mouth and gaped at Nina with his mouth open as he asked incredulously,

"You... want to be a writer?"

Nina who had just narrowly avoided being doused with tea and was subsequently disdained used her hands to cruelly smack his head.

"Don't look at me like you saw a ghost, alright? It is my childhood dream!" She felt annoyed at the fact that he was so surprised and felt like he looked down on her.

Looking at her annoyed face, Charlie knew that he had been misunderstood and was quick to clarify.

"Boss, don't be annoyed. I was just surprised that out of all other occupations, you chose to be a writer. Actually, I was kind of hoping you would take over my duties as the CEO."

Nina gave him the side eye as she answered coldly,

"In your dreams. I already told you I have no plans of being the CEO at least not now so stop with your delusions!"

Charlie sighed resignedly as he said,

"How could you be so cruel, Nina? Ah, my poor heart. Being hurt twice in a row."

"If that is all you have to say, then... I have to go" She said as she picked up her bag and walked over to the door.

She stopped at the door with her hand holding the door knob, her head tilted to that side,

"Did I forget something?" She whispered.

Charlie who had been watching her all along felt an urge to laugh when he heard her whisper.

"You forgot your dear assistant!" He answered Nina amusingly.

Nina glared at him feeling embarrassed at having forgot her friend.

"Where is she? I haven't seen her since she brought me in"

Charlie answered airily,

"She received a call from you-know-who and went out to meet him"

"Why did she not tell me?" Nina asked unhappily

Charlie rolled his eyes at her as he answered matter-of-factly

"She is dating Ryan and he is Justin's friend so she just didn't want you to be uncomfortable"

Nina felt warm in her heart. She knew that Selena might seem sloppy sometimes but she was someone who paid attention to details, just like today. Worried she might feel uncomfortable so she resorted to meeting her boyfriend secretly.

"But... I wouldn't stop her from seeing her boyfriend just because he is his friend. That would be unfair to both of them"

"She just didn't want you to remember unwanted memories and you were bound to if you saw or heard Ryan's name."

"Al..right. I will be going now" She was already bout of the door after she spoke.

Charlie shook his head at her back and whispered gently,

"Still awkward at receiving care, I see"