Chapter 65 - Escape

After watching the scar-faced man leave with his subordinate, Selena focused on untying the rope that that bound her hands to the back with a hundred and twenty percent concentration.

She hadn't been able to find any sharp object around her to cut the rope and could only try the method she had once seen in a short video while hoping that luck will be on her side.

Selena blindly touched around around the knot before she began the untying. It was very difficult trying to do so while being unable to see what she was doing but she was also fortunate that, for probably the same reason why the scar-faced was being respectful and accommodating towards her, he had tied the rope quite loosely.

This made things a lot more easier for her but even with that, Selena still had a hard time freeing herself. After all, ex-mercenaries had tied the knot so it definitely wouldn't be that easy to loosen it but she, who had no idea of this fact continued working diligently on the knot.