Chapter 2: Can't sleep

(Cry POV)

"AH!!" I screamed as I woke up and sat up from my bed due to a sudden pain in my ribs caused by the jerk, Leon.

I have always wondered why he hates me. I have never even done anything to him. Since freshmen year, I have always been his main target. I don't know why.

Oh, how rude of me!! Hi, my full name is Crayon Svenson but you can call me Cry for short. I am the youngest in my senior year batch and high school has been heaven and hell to me. It is heaven because I am always the top in our class. I do not really mind what other people say about me. I know that I have the last laugh in the end. I can assure myself a great future for me and my family. I enjoy school to be honest because I get to see my friends everyday, and spend time with them. Also, I am the most excited one to receive the quiz and test results. I know, nerdy right? But the best thing is when I get to paint and express my creativity through arts club. Ever since I entered Red Archers' high school, I immediately knew that I am going to sign up for Arts club. Most of my work would always be displayed in the exhibit and it's the best feeling ever just because you knew your hard work paid off and it is also fulfilling to know what your passion is and where you are headed.

I developed my love for art when my parents, siblings and I went to an art museum once and it was my first time seeing some of the most famous paintings like La Mona Lisa, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, Girl with the pearl earrings but the painting that really captivated me was the starry night. The Starry night is the complete epitome of perfection. Its intricacy, details, strokes and contrasts are what made it fascinating. It is just so colorful and beautiful that it brings tears into my eyes. That moment is an epiphany or a sense of enlightenment. That is the moment when I definitely knew that I want to be a painter. I know I am not going to be as brilliant as Van Gogh or Da Vinci or Vermeer but hopefully, I can just be respected and acknowledged by a lot of people as a serious and determined painter who puts his heart out in everything he does and I hope I am also making these inspirations of mine proud.

Okay, going back to the subject, Leon Gonzales is not the nicest person I have ever met. I mean sure, he is handsome, tall, smart, sporty, outgoing but he is a bully. However, he is always one of the top students in class, he is not the stereotypical dumb jock. He is a great player in football but he is also a bookworm because I always see him read in the library in his spare time. Sometimes, I would see him in the school gym, shirtless while boxing. His well-defined abs, toned chest, brown eyes and hair just grabbed my attention. I would love to paint him sometimes. He is perfect in a way because he has everything but he is a complete jerk to me. It has gotten worse day by day. At first, he would just call me names and insult me but now, I am getting shoved against the lockers which explains the bruises on my arms, he would also punch me in the face and kick me. The experience was so painful that it left a scar on my right cheek. However, I am used to it because nothing will ever be more painful than what happened three years ago.

My mom, my twin siblings and our youngest sister were having a picnic along the field. Princess was busy playing with her balloon, then suddenly it bounced out of her hand and moved towards the road. My mom and I panicked and tried to catch up to her as fast as we could but she already reached the road before we got to her, then a car ran her over. My mom lost it when she saw Princess' lifeless body. I carried her to the car, with my mom and my siblings following behind. I started to drive while Mom held her so tight and the twins are sobbing along with her in the back seat of the car. I wanted to cry too but I know I have to be strong right now and drive her to a hospital.

"Everything's going to be okay sweetheart! Mommy's here, baby!"

We reached the hospital but it was too late, her pulse stopped beating and that's when we knew that she already left us. A loud sob came out of my throat. 'I'm sorry! I am so sorry, Princess!!' I kept thinking to myself. I was snapped back into reality when I heard soft knocks on my door.


"Cry?" Queenie called.

I hurried to the door and opened it to see Queenie crying with Kingly behind her.

"What's the matter sweetie?" I asked as I squat down to wipe her tears and kiss her cheek.

"I can't sleep."

"Why not?"

"She dream 'bout Princess again." Kingly said.

"Is that so? Come on, you can just sleep here with Cry okay?" I said, cooing her in a way. We went to bed and I scooted a little to give them space. I pulled the blankets over to their sides and hummed to them until they fall asleep.

'Poor kiddos, they really miss their sweet sister, and so do I’ I thought. I kissed both of their soft cheeks before falling asleep peacefully with them in my arms.